Biker Faith

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Book: Read Biker Faith for Free Online
Authors: Ellie R Hunter
    “I’ll leave you to it then Prez…your old lady, your problem,” I chuckled.
    “Oh no, you’re comin’ with me,” he replied, setting off towards the kitchen.
    Why the fuck couldn’t I keep my big mouth shut?
    I followed at his orders and was barrelled into the wall as Alannah came bustling out.
    “She’s not here ,” she cried out, running towards the door leading outside.
    “That woman is seriously gettin’ on my last fuckin’ nerve,” Cas yelled, following his woman out.
    “You were the one who couldn’t be without her, had to make her yours ,” I reminded him, sarcastically.
    “I’m not on about Lana , shithead…her fuckin’ friend.”
    We both made it outside to see Alannah had caught up with Bonnie, who was trying to leave. One of the guarding prospects was refusing to open the gate and she was trying her hardest not to cry at something Alannah was telling her.
    “I’ll wait here ,” I told Cas.
    “Chicken ,” he mocked, walking towards them.
    Emoti onal women were not on my radar. I like them fun, free and wild. Everything this woman wasn’t.
    I made myself comfortable at one of the picni c tables and lit up a cigarette. I watched the scene before me with fascination. Cas wasn’t anyone to fuck with but Alannah was holding her own just fine. She doesn’t see the violence in her man that us brothers do occasionally, so when she’s being stubborn, like now, she doesn’t back down through being intimidated.
    Bonnie looks like she wants t o be anywhere apart from here. Alannah is now smiling, with Cas looking like he wants to throw Bonnie through the gate himself. He abruptly turns and storms towards where I’m sitting, his face covered in rage. Cas has never liked being backed into a corner and until now Alannah hasn’t seen this side of Cas. This side only shows up when he is pushed to his limits and she only sees the lust ridden, in love with her side of him.
    “Stick to her like fuckin’ glue. She moves, you move. Don’t let her out of your sight or out of the clubhouse ,” he bellows.
    “Why me? C an’t someone else do it?” I ask, not wanting to be lumbered with her.
    “No ,” he said without any hesitation, before storming into the bar and slamming the door shut behind him.
    Fucking hell, why do I have to be the one to babysit? And now I have been designated to watch over her, I only need one guess to work out where she’ll be staying.
    As they approached me, I grabbed her fucking bag and opened the door for them both. 
    “Follow me, you’ll be with me till you leave ,” I told Bonnie.
    Her eyes widened when she registered what I said , looking to Alannah for help.
    “Oh no, she ’s in enough trouble with Cas. You’re staying in my room.”
    “Okay .”
    The brother s’ faces as she re-entered the bar was what Cas and I both expected… disgust and a lack of trust oozed from every man watching her.

Chapter Four
    Sparky left me in the bar surrounded by Lost Souls members who ain’t too friendly with me. I was more than happy to stay in his room while he went to speak with Cas, but he said no. This is why I tried leaving when Alannah left me alone in the kitchen. I wanted to avoid this tension and uneasiness. I used to think being spoken to like dirt on the floor, in front of a room full of people, was the most humiliating thing to have happened to me, but sitting here at the bar is by far the worst day of my life. Not one man here, or one whore ‘hang around’, wore a friendly expression on their faces. They did for each other but it didn’t extend to me. My hands had gone past the point of shaking, being now only clammy with sweat. Where the hell is Alannah? She said she would be five minutes and that was fifteen minutes ago. It’s felt like a lifetime.
    Even the prospects wouldn’t acknowledge me. When I ran from my brother, I swore to myself I would never feel this self-conscious around anyone anymore. But here I am with a

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