Bittersweet Deceit
help thinking about the garters and stockings he likes for me to wear.
    I still can’t believe Jacqs set me up with Stayman. I know it can’t be a coincidence and I’m not even sure why I said yes. Maybe I just wanted to have something else to do for a change.
    I always swore I would never live my life on someone else’s terms like Jacqs did with Bond for so long. But now, isn’t that exactly what I am doing? I keep thinking that I’ll say no to Mason one of these times, but when he calls all I want to do is see him. Making either of us wait becomes a moot point.
    Enough about him!
    Remember to call Dad and schedule a walk and see if Jacqs will go to Mom’s party.

A Drop in the Ocean
by Ron Pope
    A t work on Tuesday, I looked into some lingerie wholesalers before the start of the day. I still wasn’t sure Bella Boutique had the right cliental to make selling lingerie profitable, however Samantha felt it might draw in a younger crowd.
    “There is no place close by that sells sexy bras and panties and forget about garters or a bustier,” Sam said, with her hands on her hips, looking very much like Jacqs, albeit much taller than my pint-sized best friend. “And it’s not like I’m suggesting we carry sex toys or anything like that.”
    “Good, because that would be a definite no. When I place the next order, we will go through and choose a few items to start with. I thought maybe the right kind of bras for some of the more revealing dresses with matching panties.”
    “Perfect,” she said, clapping her hands. “Clothing discount, here I come!”
    “Very funny,” I said, smiling at her enthusiasm.
    We had a busy Tuesday, which I chalked up to the impending Easter holiday.
    “I’ll close up tonight,” I said, “if you don’t mind closing tomorrow. I’m planning to go to Red’s a bit early and maybe go for a swim with Jacqs.”
    “That’s fine,” Sam said, printing out the credit card purchases for the day. “I ’ll stop home, tuck in Sarah, and head over myself. Lainie, I think I hear your phone.”
    I hurried to the back and when I saw I had text from Jacqs, I lowered my shoulders.

    Jacqueline: Still on for tomorrow? Please tell Sam I’ll see her at Mom’s house in a few. Did she forget to turn her phone back on?
    Me : Definitely on for tomorrow. Sam will close up. I’ll tell her and remind her.
    Jacq ueline: Later, girl.
    Me : Later.

    “That was your sister,” I said, taking the daily printout from Samantha. “She will see you at Mom’s. She says to turn your phone back on.”
    “Thanks. She knows she can call the shop if she needs me, especially after hours.”
    “I’ll leave that for you to remind her. You were great today, Sam. I can’t believe you talked that husband into buying his wife the ruched, one-piece bathing suit in three colors.”
    “Well, I only told the truth. It fit her body perfectly, accentuating her gifts and hiding the flaws.”
    “Thank you for doing such a great job. It’s a pleasure having you here.”
    “Lainie, this job has really saved me and you know that. I will be forever grateful.”
    I felt awkward standing there with my arms at my sides. “ Hey, why don’t you take off and I’ll finish up and please tell your mother hello from me.”
    “ Okay cool. I’ll definitely tell her. Thanks a million.”
    As Samantha gathered her belongings and headed out the back, I heard a familiar voice greet her. They exchanged hellos.
    “Look at you , woman!” Cat said when she blew around the corner, reaching her arms out for a hug as she approached the counter.
    She had a lithe body and blue-black hair cut in a long , angled bob. Her dark-black eyeliner came to a point, and her smoky eye shadow and pink lipstick finished off the look—a mix of fashion forward and punk girl. That night she showed up in her gothic garb: a black, cut and tied T-shirt she had altered herself, a short, plaid skirt, and her crazy knee-high boots with all the buckles.

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