Blood Bond
she’d first introduced me to the cave in the woods behind Wood
Point—the perfect place to yell out my frustrations.
    “I don’t mean to interrupt, but we’re
pulling up and I just want to remind everyone here that you’re
going to feel the presence of Werewolves and not to panic.” She
eyed Cambria in the rearview. “Especially you. I know you’re not
used to feeling a Werewolf unless you’re trying to kill it, but
we’re all friends here.”
    “I promise I won’t attack anything, two legs
or four,” Cambria said.
    “Atta girl.”
    Grandma turned onto the familiar gravel
drive and a lump wedged itself in my chest. I wasn’t sure whether I
was sad knowing Wes was absent or overwhelmingly happy at being
back. This place already felt more like home than my mother’s. That
should’ve been disappointing on some level, but it wasn’t.
    The Hummer rolled to a stop
and we got out. I shaded my hand against the sun and looked up at
the worn siding and peeling shutters. Fee’s house looked exactly
the same. It was at once both comforting and heartbreaking.
Something about going back to the place where it all started and
seeing it so unchanged when I was anything but made me want to break
    “ Whose truck?” Cambria
asked, gesturing to the other vehicle in the yard.
    “Jack’s,” I said.
    “I thought you said Jack went with Wes.”
    “He did. They took Wes’s car.”
    “They? Oh, right, Cord tagged along.”
    The name sent a shot of unease through me. I
didn’t love the idea of Cord—a gorgeous blond Hunter with a bad
attitude and killer knife skills—on a cross-country road trip with
my boyfriend, but it was better than having her here, making snarky
remarks in response to my every move. And I knew any feelings Wes
had for her were brotherly. Besides, Cord and I could use a break
from each other. After being roommates for a few weeks at Wood
Point—a role she did not volunteer for but rather had been sent by
Wes as my protection from Miles—I was surprised our time hadn’t
resulted in injury for either party.
    Cord had done more than just babysit me,
though. She’d killed Miles. I still found it bothersome that she’d
done it even after he’d already surrendered, but Cord had a lot of
anger inside her. It wasn’t fun knowing she directed a lot of it at
    The front door opened before we reached it.
Goosebumps slammed into me and I faltered. I’d almost forgotten
what it felt like to have my body warn me of a nearby Werewolf. I
smiled despite the discomfort and slid into Fee’s waiting arms. She
held me close, smoothing my hair. The scent of cookies clung to
her, but underneath that: wolf.
    “Tara, so glad you’re home. We’ve missed you
so much,” she said as she released me.
    “I missed you too. I’m glad to be back. You
remember Cambria.”
    Fee put her hand out. Cambria’s shoulders
were stiff, and she smiled like she was on autopilot, but she shook
Fee’s hand. “Nice to see you again,” Cambria said.
    “And you,” said Fee. “I hope we’ll have time
to get to know each other better over the summer. We’re happy to
know Tara’s friends. Especially when they’re as loyal as you are.”
She smiled bright enough that Cambria relaxed beside me.
    “Thanks,” Cambria said.
    “Edie, Vera was asking for you earlier,” Fee
said as we filed inside. “She’s in the library now.”
    “Then that’s where I’ll be if you need me.”
Grandma disappeared down the narrow hallway.
    I stood just inside the front door and let
my eyes soak up the richness of the cherry finish on the walls and
floors. Everything glowed brown-red just as I remembered. Heat
emanated from the kitchen, the air thick with the aroma of warm
    “Smells good,” I said, wandering toward the
kitchen. I stepped through the doorway and stopped. The counters
were covered with sheets and sheets of all sorts of baked goods.
Cookies, brownies, cakes, and pastries I couldn’t name covered

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