Bridge of Souls

Read Bridge of Souls for Free Online

Book: Read Bridge of Souls for Free Online
Authors: Fiona McIntosh
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy fiction, Fantasy, Magic, Epic, Kings and rulers
    “I think I’ve been touched by the magic of the Thicket. It temporarily knocked out my memory with the force of its power, but it gave me something in return.”
    Myrt drew back warily and opened his mouth, then closed it again. Aremys hurried on. “It left me with the ability to sense magic.” He held up his hand. “Before you jump in—no, I can’t wield it. I just sense it. And magic is with us now.”
    “Where?” his companion whispered.
    “Right here, beneath me.”
    Myrt looked toward the ground.
    “Galapek,” Aremys said. “This horse is not natural, Myrt. It is riddled with magic, bad magic. It’s tainted—it smells evil and repulses me as effectively as the Thicket transported me all those leagues. This horse reeks of enchantment and I think Rashlyn is responsible for it.”
    “That’s why you were so keen to avoid his touch,” Myrt finished, tying together the threads of all he had noticed but had not been able to understand.
    “That’s right. That’s why I disgraced myself on our first ride together when Cailech rode Galapek. The magic assaulted me and I had no control over my reaction to it. I didn’t even knowwhy I was behaving so strangely. It took me a while to work it out, but I know I’m right.”
    “And now?”
    “The magic still revolts me, but I have it under control now.”
    The warrior whistled through his teeth. “So that’s why you seemed nervous riding out this afternoon.”
    Aremys nodded. “I was terrified. I had no idea how I’d handle it, but I knew that Rashlyn had been sent to watch my reaction and so I had to be very careful.”
    “So you’re saying the King sent him?”
    “Of course. Cailech’s too smart to allow my behavior on that first ride to go unnoticed. He’s testing me.”
    “He speaks well of you, Aremys, you should know that,” Myrt defended.
    “Thank you. I’ve grasped as much, and yet I know he is suspicious of me—understandably so, because if he’s got something to hide with this enchantment, anything that threatens it is a danger.”
    “You’re risking much by telling me this.”
    Aremys nodded gravely. “My life is in your hands, Myrt. I trust you, and Shar knows, I had to tell someone. I was about to go mad.”
    “What do you want me to do?”
    “Nothing. Just keep my secret for now.”
    “I cannot be party to anything disloyal to Cailech,” the man said carefully.
    “I wouldn’t ask it of you. I just want to learn more about the horse—and Rashlyn, whom I wouldn’t trust if he were the last man alive in this land.”
    “None of us would, except the King,” Myrt replied, disgust lacing his tone. “And you think the horse’s rearing and shrieking and Rashlyn’s collapse are connected?”
    “Yes. Something has tampered with their magic or disturbed the link between the two. I’ll admit to something else…”
    “I felt it too, but only lightly. As Rashlyn was holding that medicine out to me, I became light-headed, slightly dizzy. I thought it was the fear of him touching me, but I think I know better now. The magic of the Thicket was resonating again…perhaps warning me. Or maybe something has happened, something connected with the Thicket that has also disturbed the horse. I don’t understand what, or how. Maybe the Thicket can disrupt the actual enchantment on Galapek—why else would Rashlyn also react? They must be connected.”
    “But you don’t know how?”
    “No! It’s frustating!” Aremys frowned. “But I intend to learn more. Will you keep my secret?”
    Myrt nodded unhappily. “I will keep it.”
    “Thank you. I won’t betray you or your people—you have my word.” Aremys banged his fist on his chest in an oath only another northerner would understand.
    Myrt mirrored the movement and then the two men banged fists together in the traditional northern oath of loyalty.
    After they had ridden on some time in silence, Aremys decided to push his luck with the Mountain Man. “Now that you

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