
Read BumpnGrind for Free Online

Book: Read BumpnGrind for Free Online
Authors: Sam Cheever
barely breathe. It was so
    Men had been linking up with younger women since the
beginning of time, in some cases even ridiculously young women. Society had
never looked askance at it. But let a slightly older woman—a woman still in the
prime of her life—even look at a sexy younger man and all hell broke loose.
    It was unfair.
    No! It was more than unfair. It was unacceptable!
    It had to change and she was just the woman to change it.
    Felicia had always liked causes. This felt like a cause that
needed to be championed.
    She headed for the shower.
    Now if she could just safeguard her heart in the process.

Chapter Four
    “Is there something wrong with your dinner?”
    Garrett looked up, surprised. He’d been playing with his
food. Shrugging, he put his fork down. “Sorry, I’m not very hungry. I’ve had a
rough day.”
    He took her hand, drawing it to his lips. “How about I make
us dessert at my place…later?”
    “Only if you promise there will be chocolate involved.”
    Garrett laughed. “I think I can whip up something involving
    Felicia stood up, grabbing her purse off her chair. “Then
let’s go. I’ve got a hankerin’ for chocolate…and other things.”
    Garrett followed her out the door. She seemed different
somehow. She’d been very chatty and upbeat all evening, and rather than
skulking around looking guilty she was holding her head high and looking people
right in the eye.
    He liked the new Felicia. She seemed so much more relaxed
and happy.
    Garrett handed Felicia into the passenger side of his car
and walked around to the driver’s side. He gave the valet a five-dollar bill
and thanked him.
    The valet grinned. “No worries, sir. I’d drive this beauty
for free.” The young man looked at Felicia and winked.
    Garrett hoped the guy was talking about his new Jeep rather
than Felicia. Or he might have to teach him some manners.
    He was shocked when Felicia threw back her head and gave the
young man a throaty laugh. Something had definitely changed since the last time
he’d seen her. He needed to find out what it was.
    * * * * *
    Felicia watched Garrett closely as he drove. He hadn’t been
quite himself all evening. He’d been quiet and sort of withdrawn.
    It was really starting to worry her.
    She bit her bottom lip and looked away, staring at the
lights of the city as they flashed by. Maybe he’d changed his mind about her.
Maybe he’d just realized how much older she was.
    Tears stung her eyes and she blinked rapidly to get rid of
    But then Garrett reached over and grabbed her hand, kissing
the back of it before smiling at her. “I’m really looking forward to dessert.”
He waggled his eyebrows at her like a lech from an old black-and-white movie.
    Giggling, Felicia reminded him, “You promised me chocolate.”
    He nodded and sucked one of her fingers into his mouth. “I
always keep my promises.”
    Felicia’s eyes fluttered closed as he pulled the finger into
his hot mouth, his tongue bathing the sensitive tip in a sensuous slide. Her
head fell back as a wave of pure lust enveloped her. “That’s good,” she managed
after clearing her throat twice. “See that you do.”
    Her voice grated away as her throat closed up, and another
finger found its way between his sexy lips.
    * * * * *
    “I don’t care what you do to my club, man. Garrett is my
most popular dancer. If I let him go I might as well shut down anyway.” Bruno
Hench glared across the room, his deep-set black eyes sparking with temper. His
gaze encompassed the space where a very timid cleaning crew was sweeping the
floor and wiping down tables.
    A couple of the Mexican illegals stopped working and glanced
toward the door, ready to make a run for it.
    Bruno was oblivious. The voice on the other end of the phone
was cultured, sure of itself, and spoke in legalese that made his mouth go dry.
But ex-Marines don’t scare easy. And Bruno was Italian to boot.
    “You can just go fuck yourself,

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