Call Me Wild

Read Call Me Wild for Free Online

Book: Read Call Me Wild for Free Online
Authors: Robin Kaye
there’s nothing like flashing a book with a bare-chested man on the cover to make a woman’s perceived IQ drop a dozen points.”
    Karma just smiled.
    Jessie tossed down a handful of bills. “I guess I’ll go home and work on research. Say, do you know of any tennis courts with walls for practice?”
    Karma took the bills and stuffed them back in Jessie’s hand. “You showed me a picture of Beckham without a shirt, so we’re square. I play tennis at Ann Morrison Park. How ’bout we meet to hit some balls tomorrow morning. Say about ten? That way we can discuss your research, and you can tell me what you think of this book.” Karma flipped over the book and sighed when she caught a glimpse of the cover model. “It’s on my TBR pile.”
    “What the heck is a TBR pile?”
    Karma shook her head. “To Be Read pile. You might want to pick up a copy of RT Book Reviews too. It will give you a good picture of the romance core demographic as well as all the different subgenres.”
    “Tennis tomorrow for sure.” Jessie pulled a card out of her wallet. “Here’s my number if you need to cancel.”
    Karma wrote her cell number on a bar napkin. “Here’s mine. I’ll see you at ten.”
    Jessie shouldered her bag. “I’m hoping that all the exercise will counteract the depressing state of my life.”
    Oh yeah, Jessie was in for a shock. Reading a good romance will take her down a few pegs, not that Karma could really hold her attitude against her. Ten years ago Karma wouldn’t have been caught dead reading a romance in public, and now the only thing keeping her from coming out of the romance closet was the fear of her brothers’ and cousin’s retribution. She couldn’t afford to be thought of as a girl—not when she’d almost reached equality. “I’m looking forward to hearing all about it tomorrow.”
    “Right. The last thing I want to do is beef up on how to write a trashy, formulaic romance. Crap. I’m a journalist, not a writer of sex-infused purple prose.”

Chapter 3
    Jessie crawled out of bed, tore through a PowerBar, and chugged a glass of juice before going on her morning run. She considered skipping it. She was meeting Karma later for tennis, but since she didn’t know if Karma was any good, she decided to get her run in anyway. She got cranky if she didn’t get enough exercise. Besides, if she skipped it, she might not see Fisher, who had turned up in her dream last night.
    It wasn’t as if she’d meant to dream about him, but there was no mistaking the eyes she stared into while he did amazing things to her body. Too bad she woke up before the grand finale. Between reading that hot romance last night and dreaming about Fisher that morning, she’d woken up feeling… edgy. Edgy was not good.
    Maybe it was time to start dating after all. Not that she’d date a guy like Fisher, but heck, there must be a nice, single guy in Boise.
    She grabbed her iPod, shoved it into her armband before stuffing her key into the pocket of her running shorts, and slammed out of the house. After a few warm-up stretches, she was off. She took it slow for the first few blocks and then quickened her pace as she hit Camel’s Back Park. It was nothing like Central Park with lush trees, lawns, and blacktop running paths. Camel’s Back Park looked like the inside of a salad bowl. The bottom was green grass, and the sides looked as if they’d strip-mined a foothill at a forty-five-degree angle. It was a striking contrast to what she was used to. At first, the barrenness shocked her, but now, she noticed all the subtle colors—a palette dotted with earth tones from dark ocher, to sepia, to taupe, softened by sagebrush and punctuated by the backdrop of a cerulean sky. It amazed her that at seven in the morning the moon hung like an orb over the foothills that rose above her in the bright morning light. It was almost surreal.
    She passed the tennis courts and took the path toward Hull’s Pond. She hadn’t gone a

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