Chance Of Rain

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Book: Read Chance Of Rain for Free Online
Authors: Laurel Veil
eyes. “Are you sure?” I nodded, and he turned and walked to the kitchen. I felt horrible, and I’m sure it showed.
    “What’s the matter?” Trent asked.
    “Blake drives me
, but he’s my friend. I don’t feel right about doing this.”
    He looked at me quietly for a moment, and I felt nervous. I thought he was annoyed with me. Then he said, “She’s beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside,” and then he winked.
    My heart stuttered, and relief washed over me.
    “I would’ve had to pass on the coffee anyway,” I confessed sadly. “I have a ten-thirty curfew on Saturday. I have church in the morning.”
    “You’re sweet,” he said with a smile. He gave a slight wave of his hand and turned to go.
    I stood there and watched him walk away until he was completely out of sight.

    Blake was still willing to take me home. And as I figured he would, he took a jab at Trent the first chance he got. I barely had time to buckle my seat belt.
    “So what happened to Romeo? Did he back out and leave you stranded?”
    Anger sparked inside me.
Don’t talk about my Trent like that!
I decided it was time to get a few things straight. I tried to choose my words carefully. Blake was my friend, and I really didn’t want to hurt him.
    “Look, Blake—I don’t know Trent very well,
but I would like
to.” I waited for his response. He didn’t seem bothered.
Good! That wasn’t so bad
    “You go right on and get to know your new friend. No one’s stopping you.” He gave me a self-assured grin. The dude wasn’t lacking confidence; that was for sure. I couldn’t help smile. “You know, Ash,” he said, “you shouldn’t be taking rides from strangers anyway.”
    I cut my eyes at him. “Uh…OK, Mom.”
    As he laughed, his face lit up from the headlights of a passing car. “You just met the guy. I’m only trying to look out for you.”
    “Mm-hmm,” I said, not believing my safety was his true motive.
    He grinned. “I’m just saying.”
    A few minutes later, he had me home. “Thanks again for the ride, Blake.”
    “Anytime. Anytime.”
    My mom was relieved when she heard me come in. I told her I was exhausted and headed to my room. I got ready for bed, but once I lay down, I couldn’t sleep.
    I wondered how things had gone for Cole and Bri tonight. I wondered what school was going to be like, and most of all, I wondered if my dad ever wondered how my mom and I were doing. Then I thought about Trent and wondered when I would see him again.

    35 %
    I woke up early for church. I was ready before my mom, so I made the coffee.
    When she came into the kitchen, I could tell she was feeling down by the way she carried herself. Her shoulders were slumped, and her eyes appeared far away. Sundays always made her sad.
    I decided right then that Bri and I would have to do some checking up on my dad again. I needed him to talk to me—and not just surface talk. I had to get him and my mom back together. It was killing her whether or not she wanted to admit it. And I knew my dad still loved her too.
    I drove so my mom could enjoy her cup of Black Silk. I knew it would help put her in a better mood. I needed to do something more, though, to cheer her up. Then it came to me. “I’m thinking maybe I will start looking for a car.” I said it in the spur of the moment, but I realized I really did want a car of my own. I guess it was one of those subconscious things.
    I felt her eyes bore a hole straight through me. “What brought this on? What happened to the schnoz fund?”
    I shrugged. “Change of plans. I mean, I can’t always expect Bri to chauffeur me around, right?”
    “I thought you’d be happier. You know…that I’m ditching the whole nose thing?”
    “Oh, believe me, I am. I guess I just got used to the idea of Bri or me driving you around. It’s nice to know you’re never alone.”
    “Yeah, well, you forgot Chase and now Blake. I’m tired of having to depend on everyone.”

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