
Read ChangingPaths for Free Online

Book: Read ChangingPaths for Free Online
Authors: Marilu Mann
patch. Tying it securely in place, he moved toward the stack of firewood
and set about stirring up the coals and getting the fire going. Talia finally
ran out of steam and leaned against Olivia’s side. He turned his attention to
Micah and Olivia’s son.
    Though he’d been born with hair as black as Micah’s it
seemed to be getting lighter. The baby was content, gurgling and sucking on his
fingers. His scent hadn’t developed, so he just smelled of baby powder and
formula. He wondered what Koda would smell of when his scent came in. But that
was at least two years away if not three. Looking at Olivia, he shook his head.
    “He really has gotten big.”
    “Almost twenty pounds, thank you very much!” Olivia laughed
and leaned back on his couch. “Believe me, I felt every one of those pounds on
the walk over here.”
    “You should have let me know you were coming. I’d have
ridden the ATV over to get you.”
    “No, after all that rich food in New Orleans, I needed the
exercise. You’d think it would go off as easily as it went on.” She patted her
flat stomach and he shook his head. Micah had been doing his best to put some
meat on her bones, since she’d been nearly starved when she’d first come to the
    Nothing like the woman he’d met last week. Not that Harmony was
overweight but she’d definitely had some smoking curves under that jacket. He’d
really appreciated the shape of her ass in her jeans as well. He wondered how
she’d look without them. Hell, he really wondered what she’d look like without
any clothes. His cock gave one appreciative jerk.
    “Well, what put that look on your face?” Olivia had
leaned forward. He realized he’d totally zoned out thinking about Harmony
    “Uh, nothing. Sorry. I guess I was thinking about what Micah
has planned for the Pack.” He knew it sounded lame. He could see the curiosity
sparkle in Olivia’s eyes. He shifted his gaze to the baby gurgling on the rug.
    “Do you want to hold him?”
    Scooping up the bundle of waving arms and legs, Olivia
deposited the baby in his arms. As he sat down on the floor, something swept
over him. He didn’t mind holding Miakoda. He actually enjoyed young ones. He’d
always been available for babysitting his niece and nephew and the other young
in his birth Pack.
    Ruthlessly he shut that memory down. He was no longer a part
of them. Hadn’t been for years really. They’d made it very clear he would never
be welcome there again, though his brother apparently had been accepted home
with open arms. It didn’t matter, he was of the Wild Haven Lodge Pack now.
    Making soothing noises, he gently bounced the baby as he
looked at Olivia. She was smiling at him. He knew that smile. All mated females
got the same look around unmated males. He braced himself for what had to be
    “Gareth, why do you only run with the males? I know you aren’t
    He choked out a harsh laugh. “No, I’m not gay. I just don’t
have any luck with females.”
    With a glance at Talia, Olivia pointed at the door. “Now’s
the time, darling. Fifteen minutes.”
    Without a word the young girl donned her gear to head
outside. Olivia explained, “I told her I wanted to talk to you about boring
adult stuff.”
    He moved uncomfortably under that blue gaze. Happily married
females terrified him. They always thought he’d be better off mated too. He
wondered if his brother was. Did he have nieces or nephews? Again he shoved
that away.
    What the hell was his problem? He hadn’t thought of his
family or former Packs for a while. And for damn sure they weren’t thinking
about him. He’d been on his own until becoming part of this Pack and he was
okay with that.
    “Gareth, look at you. You’re a natural with Koda. You were
with Talia too. You need young of your own. You need a mate. Micah told me…”
    She held up a hand when he snarled involuntarily. “Hush. I
know. He told me more about your reason for not being around women.

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