CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All

Read CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All for Free Online

Book: Read CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All for Free Online
Authors: Tiece
Tags: United States, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Genre Fiction, Urban, African American
later tomorrow.” Kina responded. “Should I go?”
    Brendon shrugged his shoulders then said, “Hell yeah go, we need to keep an eye on this broad. I just want her to go back to Texas, yet she is focused on staying. Now that she’s walked in on that incident earlier tonight with Monty, Candy and myself no telling what that lil mind is thinking or trying to come up with.”
    “You’re right.” Kina agreed while text messaging Trina back that she’ll be there for their lunch date the next day.
    “Well, get out of my room. I got a few calls to make.” Brendon said.
    “Oh, you’re kicking me out now. You’re such a buzz kill.” Kina said getting up and grabbing her purse. “And let’s not kid ourselves. You only have one person to call and we both know who that is.” She grinned.
    “Maybe, but you’ll never know for sure.” Brendon said as he jumped up from the bed and quickly made his way to the room door. He opened it up for Kina. “Now bye.”
    Kina laughed. “Damn, you’re an asshole.”
    “I know,” Brendon grinned as Kina walked passed him. She couldn’t resist hitting him on the arm again. “Call me tomorrow.”
    “Will do,” Kina said.
    Brendon closed the room door shut and looked over at his phone on the nightstand. He wanted to call Candy, but he felt somewhat disappointed that she hadn’t attempted to call him first. She had to have known that he had gone to jail, because she was still there when they were hauling them off. Had she stopped liking him just that fast? Was she somewhere trying to work things out with Monty? As his thoughts rambled on, he picked up his phone.
    “Fuck it,” he said about to dial her number, but there was no need since his phone rang at the same exact time of him picking it up showing that the incoming call was coming from Candy. A smile spread across his face as he looked at the caller ID. Just knowing it was her had him beaming on the inside. Apparently, she still cared and before the phone could stop ringing he quickly answered it.
    “What’s up, Boo?”
    “Hey babe,” Candy spoke in a soft tone. “I’m so sorry that happened earlier.”
    Brendon took in a deep breath feeling good to just hear her voice. “You have nothing to be sorry for. It wasn’t your fault. I didn’t even expect Cuz to come over or I never would’ve invited you.”
    “I know,” she said. “Look, I guess we have to come clean with him at some point. I hate it, because I wasn’t prepared. However, now I have to be honest with him. I need to be honest about my feelings for you.”
    “And what are those feelings?” Brendon questioned definitely wanting to know where he stood.
    “I like you. I like you a whole lot.” She confessed. “You bring out that spark in me. I’ve not smiled around my house like this in a long time.” Brendon smiled inside from hearing her say this. “But I can’t lie to you, either. I also still love him.” Brendon was taken aback as the wide smile across his face quickly disappeared.
    “I can’t lie. I already knew that; which is why I didn’t want to have sex with you right away.”
    “I appreciate you holding out, because had you gave in,” she said taking in a deep breath then letting it out. “Good LORD! I was going to give it to you.” Brendon grinned at her comment. Candy was glad to be able to still have that connection even after revealing her real feelings. 
    “So,” Brendon said clearing his throat. “Where do we go from here?”
    Candy sat quietly on the phone for a moment as she thought things through in her mind. “Well um,” she said with hesitation. “I still wanna see you. I like what we have, but at the same time I don’t want or need to put labels on us. We’re good friends, really good friends.”
    Brendon nodded his head. “Yeah, I can agree.” he responded.
    “We’re the kinda friends that kiss and comfort each

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