Choosing Rena

Read Choosing Rena for Free Online

Book: Read Choosing Rena for Free Online
Authors: dakota trace
Tags: Erótica, BDSM, Interracial, spanking, dakota trace, doms of chicago
willing to
nearly triple what you’re currently being paid, this opportunity
could be your entry back into the high end security work you
enjoyed so much in New York.”
    Rena forced herself to calmly pick up
the file. Opening it, she scanned the top page of the document. It
seemed straight-forward enough, but as with anything in life, if it
looked too good to be true…it probably was. “I need to have a
lawyer go over this before I decide anything, Elizebetta. I hope
you can understand. I need to make sure I can provide all aspects
of what you’re wanting before I can agree to anything.”
    When the woman opened her mouth to
protest, Dieter placed his hand on Elizebetta’s, obviously
comforting the woman. “She’s not doubting you, but merely doing
what any person with her training would do, Lizzy. I’d have thought
it more suspicious if she’d just signed it outright without
consulting counsel.”
    Rena’s eyes widened as she picked up
vibes she hadn’t before. Was Dieter actually in a relationship with
the formidable Elizebetta Vayarti? Even though Dieter was several
years younger than Elizebetta, it wouldn’t be the first time a
younger man had lost his heart to a more mature woman.
    A trembling smile graced Elizebetta’s
lips. “Are you sure, Diet?”
    The man smiled down at his employer.
“Yes, of course.” He turned back to Rena. “Please take all the time
you need. We’re not heading back to New York until at least the end
of the month and that will be to supervise the transfer of select
pieces from Lizzy’s New York gallery.”
    Picking up the file, Rena shoved it
into her bag. “How do I get ahold of you?”
    Dieter pulled a card out of his
briefcase and scribbled a number on the backside of the card.
“Here’s the hotel and room number where we’re staying until the
closing on our new home is finalized.”
    Tapping her fingers on the table, she
cocked her head. “Your home? Then I’m not mistaken that you and
Mrs. Vayarti are…shall we say…romantically involved?”
    Elizebetta blushed, licking her lips
before her eyes darted to Dieter. “It wasn’t planned, but yes and
it’s one of the main reasons I’ve decided to move out here. Louis
is definitely not happy about it.”
    She arched an eyebrow at the couple.
“Fuck Louis! If you’re happy that’s what counts.” She could’ve
laughed as Elizebetta’s eyes widened, then she giggled.
    “I couldn’t have said it better,
Rena.” Dieter took a sip of his water as the waiter approached with
their food. “Now, why don’t we enjoy our lunch before you have to
go back to work?”
    * * * *
    Sitting at his desk, Jude
scowled down at the report his head investigator had just turned
into him. The work wasn’t mediocre, but neither was it stellar.
Across from him, dressed in neatly pressed slacks and a white dress
shirt, Levi Rogers shifted in his seat. He glanced up from the
report. While Levi wasn’t a bad investigator, he wasn’t Rena
MacAllister. Now more than ever he wanted to kick his partner’s ass
for running off one of the best investigators they had ever
employed. Damn
horn-toad .
    “Is there anything else, Mr. Larson?”
The voice was an unwelcome reminder of what the company had
    “No, but if you let something like
this happen again, you can start looking for another job. It’s
    “It won’t happen again,” the man said
nervously, fidgeting and pushing up the wire-framed glasses resting
on his nose.
    Jude tossed the file down. “See that
it doesn’t. You’re dismissed, Levi.” He waited for the man to leave
before turning his chair to face the glass windows. Outside he
could see the heat rising off the pavement. It was another hot day
in Chicago but not as hot as his ass. Olivia was not happy about
the lack of results surrounding the break-in at their home. It had
been nearly a week since it had happened, and right now he knew
even less than he had the day it occurred. He was damn sick

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