Chosen:  Book 1 in the Ancients of Light series
a loch at the edge of the gathering as twilight
was passing over into the dark. Wine was being consumed in great
volumes - the Witch did love their drink- and the mood was merry.
Cordelia had been present, passing a malevolent gaze to Kaitriana
every few moments and Myrrdyn had remained for a time, across the
clearing from his grandchild. Kaitriana’s parents had made an
encampment deep into the recesses of the woods though, well clear
of the revelry of the Festival. Keeping their daughter from the
gatherings of the Witch had never been taxing for either. They were
both solitary in nature, preferring their own company to others and
had been happily confined to that existence by the birth of their
    The evening had aged and
the assembly dwindled; the chill of the night and the
overindulgence in their cups had sent many to an early end. A few
handfuls of witches had remained in the area. Kaitriana had found a
spot on high rocks near the edges of the water and from her perch
was thoroughly engaged in a lighthearted conversation with
Kendrick, the heir apparent to the Warrior Caste. The young male
witch seemed unaffected by the fact that her appearance at the
celebration might signal threat to his assumed position. Kaitriana
was enjoying well her flirtation, though she had been struggling to
keep her mind from going elsewhere.
    She had heard talk among
the elders that a contingent of the Vampire and the Warrior of
Light would be seeking them later that same night. One of the
elders, unbeknownst to Myrrdyn, had even made the suggestion to
Kaitriana that she make a brief appearance upon arrival of the
group. Kaitriana had eagerly agreed, ready to renew her
acquaintance with the Vampire warrior. To one originating from the
Warrior Caste, the tales of Lorcan and his battles had been
especially enthralling. Despite him being Vampire, his mother had
held the seat of authority over the Warrior Caste and the group
would still like to make some claim to him, if only through the
retelling of his heroics.
    While Kaitriana had
maintained just a few memories of Lorcan from the day that he
rescued her and her injured papa from the Dark, she had remembered
him more fully from the night he had visited her Uncle’s home. The
shocked look from the normally unflappable warrior as she had made
a face and then waved goodbye to him had brought her much
    Through the tales of his
battles and her fond memories of their brief encounters, she had
developed quite a bit of secret adoration for the vampire. The fact
that he was the most handsome male she had laid eyes on certainly
did not hurt either. The thought of seeing him again had set her
toes to tapping against the stone. In hindsight, she had been
certain that the rambling good humor of Kendrick and her
distraction over the thoughts of Lorcan had resulted in her sensing
the evil only seconds before it had shadowed into their gathering.
Two Dark warriors, with the ability to shadow quickly through the
group to reach their intended target, had been on Cordelia before
Kaitriana had time to gain her feet.
    Without thought of control
and in her anger at their boldness to intrude on an entire
gathering of the Witch, Kaitriana’s powers had sparked. Lightning
had rent the night sky as they came on fully; blue light danced
wickedly over her fingertips. Before either foe could bring sword
to Cordelia’s throat, Kaitriana had knocked them three hundred
yards distance from the nearest witch with the barest flick of
wrist. Balls of blue light followed in rapid succession setting
each foe aflame.
    The icy light of her eyes
had brightened and they were ringed in the vivid blue of her magic.
With authority, her hand had swept towards the panicked group as
she instructed, “We must seek the protection of the keep.”
Kaitriana and Kendrick had kept watch over the mass exodus of the
witches back to the safety of the protected walls. As Cordelia had
passed, Kaitriana had felt the glare of anger

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