Chronicles of Eden - Act III

Read Chronicles of Eden - Act III for Free Online

Book: Read Chronicles of Eden - Act III for Free Online
Authors: Alexander Gordon
    “I’m starting to suspect you’re just doing that to show off to Daniel,” Specca commented dryly from next to the teen, her eyes glancing to Triska briefly before looking back down to Daniel’s monster guide in her lap which she was updating the entry regarding the Giant Butterfly’s and how they didn’t wear any underwear in the wild.
    “I could have lost my hand because of you,” Alyssa growled. “Why did you even want to give that crazy girl some cookies anyway?”
    “Because she’s not a bad monster,” Triska shot back. “I felt sorry for her and wanted to do something nice. What’s so wrong about that?”
    “Next time you want to be nice to a monster do so yourself!”
    Triska growled and reached for her sword before Specca reached over without looking and grabbed her hand, the nixie’s eyes still locked onto the book she was writing in as she tried to keep Triska from unsheathing her blade.
    “Triska, no swordplay in the caravan, you know the rules,” Specca reminded as Triska just continued to glare and growl at Alyssa. The witch was drumming her fingers on her staff at her side while returning the harsh look, all while Squeak was just looking back and forth between her fighting friends. Daniel cleared his throat to get their attention, with the girls looking to seeing him watching them while remaining silent. Triska slowly lowered her hand and looked to Alyssa with annoyance as the witch lowered her head and glanced away from everybody to avoid eye contact.
    “So, are we all set to go?” Daniel asked.
    “Yeah, all set, Daniel,” Triska said, looking to him with a timid glance.
    “Yes, whenever you are,” Specca agreed with.
    Squeak nodded with a squeak then looked to Alyssa with a raised eyebrow, the witch nodding and looking to Daniel with a worried smile.
    “Um, sorry about earlier.”
    “Did you say that to Triska?” Daniel inquired.
    “Yes, I did.”
    “Because of Squeak you did,” Triska commented dryly. Alyssa smiled nervously and shrugged in response, with Daniel rolling his eyes then looking ahead before he snapped the reins. Lucky neighed then started off along the path, pulling the larger caravan behind him with no trouble. As the travelers continued along their way Luna watched them go with a curious expression.
    “I wonder what it’s like to ride in that thing.”
    “I wonder when you’re going to get me down from here!” Falla yelled out.
    Luna jumped a bit then started trying to pull off the vines around her sister, with a few of them finally giving and snapping off. Falla struggled and pulled free one of her arms, the girl then trying to yank off a vine from around her wing with frustrated grunts.
    “I can’t believe this, I was so close. I mean I saw his penis for crying out loud!”
    “You did? How big was it?” Luna asked with an eager smile.
    “It wasn’t erect at the time, I’m sure it gets bigger than what I saw when he’s mating. At least it had better.”
    The two girls kept pulling and snapping off vines for a while before Falla finally dropped to the ground with a thump, the girl stumbling to her feet with her wings fluttering a bit behind her.
    “Dammit,” Falla grunted. “That human thinks he can just run away from our agreement? I don’t think so. No way, he’s not getting away from me that easily!”
    “But sister, they said they were always watching over Daniel, even when he’s peeing. How are we going to get him if they’re always around him?”
    “Just leave that to me, I’ll think of something. I’m going to get that human’s seed even if it’s the last thing I ever do!”
    “If they catch you again it might be,” Luna nervously pointed out. “Maybe we should find another human, there’s plenty more out there in the world after all.”
    Falla turned to her with a stern glare, causing Luna to jump a bit and back up with a nervous smile.
    “I mean,” Luna quickly added. “I don’t want to see you get hurt,

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