Come Back To Me

Read Come Back To Me for Free Online

Book: Read Come Back To Me for Free Online
Authors: C.D. Taylor
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Erotic, love, passion
    Jake shifted his growing member, and
the focus of his search. He put in her family name and hit enter.
There was a ton of information on the web, and he sifted through
some of it for a while.
    Her parents owned a production company
in Hollywood, Jake knew this, they came from old money, and her
great grandfather had started the business. Jake scrolled further
down the page and began to read a small article about Emily
    Miss Mills is the co-founder
of the Abused Women’s Outreach in Los Angeles. She started the
outreach to help women cope, and be able to regain a normal life
after the horrific events of domestic abuse. Miss Mills works
diligently on this project and says it is a cause very close to her
heart. There will be a benefit and fundraiser on October
19 th at
the Plaza Hotel in New York City. Miss Mills will be honored for her dedication and work for this worthy cause.
The event is invitation only.
    After reading the information, Jake
panged with excitement, he needed to procure an invite to this
event. But where to start?
    Jake knew that his best chance at
snagging an invitation would be his friend Gabe. Gabe Ellingsworth
was the son of Charles and Linda Ellingsworth of Manhattan, they
owned tons of real estate and made their fortune from selling and
buying properties. These people had more money than sense, but Gabe
could surely help him out. They were always attending some sort of
charity function, so he figured he’d have a good “in”.
    Jake picked up his phone and dialed
Gabe’s number.
    “This is Gabe, talk to me.”
    “Hey man, its Jake, how the hell are
    “Hey Jake you bastard, what’s going
    “Not much, just wanted to see if I
could call in a favor?”
    “Depends on what sort of favor, you
know I love ya man, but if it’s sexual, I’m out.” Gabe
    “Would you quit being such a pain in
the ass, it’s not sexual, but it’s a pretty hefty
    “Alright, lay it on me.”
    Jake started in on his
explanation. “There is a fundraiser at the Plaza on the
19 th , I
need an invite.”
    “Let me guess, there is a hot piece of
ass you’re chasing and she will be there? Am I right?”
    “Uh wrong. Look I’ll explain it later,
can you get me in?”
    “Sure thing, consider it done. I’ll
bring an invite to your office Monday morning. I sure could use an
eye full of that sexy as fuck secretary of yours.”
    “Alright thanks man, I appreciate it.
And stay away from Eliza, she’s a good girl, she doesn’t need a
playboy like you corrupting her.”
    “Yeah, Yeah whatever.”
    Jake hung up the phone, he would get to
see Emily in a week, and his heart began to beat faster. The images
of her flashed across his mind again and he felt the corners of his
mouth turn up into a wide smile.
    He made his way to his bedroom; he
couldn’t help but feel like he was floating on air. More like cloud
nine. The anticipation of waiting a week to see her would damn near
kill him, but in the end it would be so worth it.


    After stuffing my face full of New York
style pizza, I decided it was time to bite the bullet and call my
Mother, ugh I dreaded the call. At times I would have rather put my
head in a blender set to frappe then talk to her.
    I fished my phone from the depths of my
purse, scrolled through the speed dial numbers and hit send. My
nerves were already shot just listening to it ring on her
    “Hello darling! I’ve been so worried
about you; I tried to call you several times, what is going
    “Yeah hi Mom.” I said
    “Oh Emily you sound like something is
wrong, what is it?”
    Sure she acted like she was worried
about me, but as usual she could have garnered an Academy Award for
her performances in life. She could fool everyone but
    “I’m fine Mom, just trying to get all
settled in.”
    “Well darling I hope you love your new
apartment, the decorator emailed me the photographs of the place
and I do believe it’s

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