Book: Read CONVICTION (INTERFERENCE) for Free Online
Authors: Kimberly Schwartzmiller
sorry for the way I said it. I know you want what’s best for me, but I don’t love Parker, Daddy. I never will. Can’t you understand that?”
    “I guess I thought that you would…in time.”
    “Daddy, I know you like him and I know that you and mom, and his parents always dreamed of us getting together, but when I think about dating him…I just…I just get the chills,” I said while rubbing my arms up and down to try and get rid of that creepy feeling whenever I thought of Parker.
    “The chills?”
    “Yeah, he makes my skin crawl. I’m sorry. The thought of him kissing me…or…” a shiver ran through me again, causing me to shake.
    “Stop! I don’t want to hear this!”
    “Sorry, but it’s true. We can be friends, but nothing more. I don’t have any romantic feelings for him…none at all.”
    “But you do for this Shane?” he asked, looking back toward the mirror to finish shaving.
    “Yes. I know you don’t want to hear that. But, I like Shane.”
    “He’s a tire salesman!”
    “So what?”
    “I won’t have any daughter of mine…”
    “What? You won’t have me what…dating a tire salesman?”
    “Dating…or anything else! He has a past. I checked him out this morning. He’s been in trouble with the law. I’ll bet he didn’t tell you that!”
    “Yes, as a matter of fact, he did. But he hasn’t been in any trouble for over three years. He’s a nice guy, Daddy.”
    “He’s a bad boy , Rebecca! Once a bad boy , always a bad boy ! I told you, it’s just a phase. All girls fall for a bad boy once, but then they grow up…and so will you. Like I said, it’s just a phase, one I hope you’ll pass through rather quickly.”
    “Daddy, I really like him. He’s paid for his mistakes. He works an honest job, and he helps to support his father, who lost his job. He got his GED and he’s saving up money to go to school, and taking pre-req courses online. How can you fault him for that?”
    “He’s not actually in school, yet . I’ll believe it when I see it. Parker will be a lawyer in just a few more years.”
    “Parker’s had everything handed to him on a silver platter. He’s never worked for anything a day in his life.”
    “He does too, he gets excellent grades!”
    “Yeah, and his parent’s pay a fortune for his tutors. I’m not saying that Parker doesn’t deserve his good grades or that he’s not going to make a good attorney, but I am saying that it’s easier for some…than it is for others. I’m just asking you to give Shane a chance. For me, please?”
    “You really like this guy?”
    I nodded. “Yes. We’re going to a movie when he gets off work today at 4:30. I’ll be home by nine. Okay?” I asked, hoping to get back into his good graces.
    “What are you going to do from 4:30 to nine?” he asked with accusing eyes.
    “The movie doesn’t start until 6:25 so we’re going to have dinner first.”
    “Just dinner? Nothing else?” he asked.
    “Dinner and a movie.”
    “Fine. Just…be careful. He um, he may want more than…well, he may want…more,” he said, trying to get his point across without embarrassing us both.
    “He’s been a perfect gentleman.”
    “So far, but guys like that, well, he’ll want more…trust me,” he said, continuing to shave. 
    He was just about done shaving when I said,               “And you don’t think Parker ever wanted more?”
    He turned his head quickly and caught his chin with the razor. “Parker would never expect…”
    “Dad, I love you, and I hate to ruin the perfect image you have of Parker Hayes, but trust me, he’s a guy, too.”
    He turned to look at me with a bloody piece of tissue hanging off his chin. “Did you and Parker…?”
    “No! I told you, he gives me the creeps! But, we would have if it had been up to him.”
    “Well, he is a young man. I guess it’s to be expected. It’s your job to keep him in line.” He was rinsing the shaving cream off of his face now.
    “UGH! So,

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