
Read Crisis for Free Online

Book: Read Crisis for Free Online
Authors: Robin Cook
Tags: Unknown
right hand and placed the tip of his index finger as the hypothetical muzzle next to his temple. The plane of the finger was parallel with the floor. "When people shoot themselves, the track of the bullet is generally almost horizontal or maybe slightly upward, never downwards. This was a homicide staged to look like a suicide."
    "Thanks a lot," Lou grumbled. "I was hoping your deduction about her being naked would prove to be wrong."
    "Sorry," Jack said.
    "Any idea how long she's been dead?"
    "Not yet, but a wild guess would say not that long. Anybody hear a gunshot? That would be more accurate."
    "Unfortunately, no," Lou said.
    "Lieutenant!" one of the uniformed policemen called out from the doorway. "The crime-scene boys have arrived."
    "Tell them to get their butts in here," Lou responded over his shoulder. Then, to Jack, he asked: "Are you done or what?"
    "I'm done. We'll have more information for you in the morning. I'll be sure to do the post myself."
    "In that case, I'll try to make it, too." Over the years, Lou had learned to appreciate how much information could be gleaned from victims of homicide during an autopsy.
    "All right then," Jack said, snapping off the gloves. "I'm out of here." He glanced at his watch. He wasn't late yet, but he was going to be. It was seven fifty-two. It was going to take him more than eight minutes to get to the restaurant. He looked at Lou, who was bending over to examine a small tear in the sheet several feet away from the body in the direction of the headboard. "What do you have?"
    "What do you think of this? Think it might be where the slug penetrated the mattress?"
    Jack leaned over to examine the centimeter-long, linear defect. He nodded. "That would be my guess. There's a tiny bit of bloodstain along the edges."
    Lou straightened up as the crime-scene technicians carried in their equipment. Lou mentioned getting the slug, and the technicians assured him they'd do their best.
    "Are you going to be able to get away from here at some reasonable time?" Jack inquired.
    Lou shrugged. "No reason why I can't leave with you. With the diplomat out of the picture, there's no reason for me to hang around. I'll give you a lift."
    "I've got my bike," Jack said.
    "So? Put it in my car. You'll get there sooner. Besides, it's safer than that bike of yours. I can't believe Laurie still lets you ride that thing around the city, particularly when you guys see so many of those messengers who get flattened."
    "I'm careful," Jack said.
    "My ass you're careful," Lou responded. "I've seen you streaking around the city on more than one occasion."
    Jack debated what to do. He wanted to ride the bike for its calming effect and also because he couldn't stand the odor of the fifty billion cigarettes that had been smoked in Lou's Chevy, but he had to admit that with Lou driving, the car would be quicker, and the hour was fast approaching. "All right," he said reluctantly.
    "My goodness gracious, a spark of maturity," Lou said. He took out his keys and tossed them to Jack. "While you're dealing with the bike, I'll have a word with my boys to make sure they are squared away."
    Ten minutes later, Lou was driving north on Park Avenue, which he claimed would be the fastest route uptown. Jack's bike was in the backseat with both wheels removed. Jack had insisted that all four windows be rolled down, which made the interior of the car breezy but bearable, despite the overflowing ashtray.
    "You seem kind of wired," Lou said as they skirted Grand Central station on the elevated roadway.
    "I'm worried about being late."
    "Worst case, we'll be fifteen minutes late. In my book, that's not late."
    Jack glanced out the passenger-side window. Lou was right. Fifteen minutes fell into the appropriate time frame, but it didn't make him feel any less anxious.
    "So, what's the occasion? You never said."
    "Does there have to be an occasion?" Jack responded.
    "All right already," Lou said, casting a quick glance in Jack's direction.

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