
Read Dante for Free Online

Book: Read Dante for Free Online
Authors: Bethany-Kris
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Contemporary, Thrillers, Crime
black book. No, those weren’t just for hookers and madams. Cat had her own list. Politicians, high profile judges, celebrities, and influential families from all over the country lined her pages.
    Sure, they could buy their blow or whatever else they needed from any dealer on the streets, but that always carried a risk. Cat was known for her silence, her talent for never being seen, and her track record of keeping everybody happy.
    Plus, she was pretty sure there was a bit of ego mixed in with her clients, as well. Like maybe her high-class standards mixed in with her no bullshit attitude, the intelligent wit, and the queen title that came along with it all made them feel like she wasn’t just a drug dealer.
    Dio , the fools; they were so wrong. She was just as filthy as the man on the street corner selling to feed his own habit. Another thing Cat never did was touch her own product. There was no profit to be had if you were snorting all your cash.
    Yeah, that little girl from the Sicilian village sure came a long fucking way from where she started.
    Standing from the chair she rested in, Cat gave her whispering men a once-over as they spoke in hushed tones around the small kitchenette in the hotel room.
    “What’s all the whispering for?” Cat asked.
    Pao turned in his seat. “How do you think that went, regina ?”
    “You mean having a gun shoved in my face or leaving him stunned? Because it isn’t the first time that’s happened to me, on both accounts.”
    Gaetano snorted. “Doesn’t faze you a bit, does it?”
    “No, I expected him to react that way once he figured it all out.”
    Cat was lying through her teeth, but she didn’t want her men to know. The fact was simple, Dante Marcello had surprised her. The last thing she expected him to do was threaten her like he had. Men were easily influenced by Cat’s seemingly innocent exterior and then blindsided by the darkness hidden under her beauty.
    Sure, Dante had been caught by her at first, but that didn’t last long.
    Cat took notice of Carlos’ silence. The man had voiced his displeasure about her choices repeatedly, and it was starting to get dull. More than anything, Cat hated to be questioned. Especially by a man.
    “Carlos?” Cat asked at the same time she waved for Gaetano to come to her.
    “ Sì, regina ?”
    “You’re terribly quiet, and considering you’ve had the most opinions to share this week, I’m curious why you’re clamming up now.” Cat pointed at the back of her dress. “Gae, would you unzip me, please? I need to get out of this damn dress.”
    “Turn around,” Gaetano replied.
    “You won’t like what I have to say,” Carlos explained.
    Cat let Gaetano help her reach the zipper on the back of her dress. He pulled the little metal tag down until the article could be slipped off. All the men averted their eyes as Cat stepped out of her dress and covered up again with a white silk robe Gaetano passed to her.
    “Fine, be honest with me,” Cat said, nodding to Carlos. “Brutally so, even. I won’t be angry.”
    It was a trap and any man who worked for Cat would realize it. Unfortunately, Carlos’ personal opinions were affecting the reasonable side of his brain lately, and he would take her bait.
    He didn’t disappoint.
    “Why involve this Marcello at all in this plan of yours, regina ? All you’re about to do is give up everything we’ve worked for, anonymity included. Do you really think you’ll be the ghost queen if your last name becomes Marcello? It’s downright … stupido .”
    “Watch it,” Gaetano barked, coming to Cat’s defense as he always did.
    Cat patted her companion on the arm, quieting Gaetano. “It’s fine, he’s just doing what I asked.”
    Fact was, Cat needed her men for her business to continue being the success it was. There were avenues of clientele where her men fit in better than she did, especially where women were concerned or even the high-end dealers supplying to several. They were

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