Darkness Unmasked (DA 5)

Read Darkness Unmasked (DA 5) for Free Online

Book: Read Darkness Unmasked (DA 5) for Free Online
Authors: Keri Arthur
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Urban
building and noted the cameras placed strategically around the perimeter. Undoubtedly, it would be a similar story inside, and that meant it might be wise to indulge in a little face-shifting. If Genevieve Sands was connected to Nadler, then they might be keeping an eye on who went near their storage locker. It wouldn’t be hard to do—anyone with the right sort of knowledge would be able to hack into the security system. The last thing I wanted was for them to see how close we were. We didn’t need another possible lead closing down before it led to anything—or anyone.
    “I guess how we approach it depends on who is at the desk,” I said eventually. “If it’s male, I’ll flirt. If it’s female, you flirt.”
    He raised his eyebrows. “The last time we did something like that, you stomped out in what I believe you would call a snit.”
    “It wasn’t a snit,” I replied, amused. “It was mere annoyance. You were flirting with a stranger at a time you were refusing to do anything with me.”
    “I am still not doing anything with you.”
    “That’s true.” I gave a mock sigh. “God, it’s been so long, I can hardly even remember what a kiss is, let alone sex.”
    “Then perhaps,” he said, and stepped closer, “I should remind you.”
    His lips met mine, and though the kiss was little more than a tease, it was also the sweetest damn thing I’d ever experienced. It made me feel higher than a kite and warmer than the sun, cherished and oddly alive all in one quicksilver moment. And I sighed in frustration when he pulled back.
    “Damn it, Azriel—”
    He pressed a finger against my lips, silencing my protest. “What you desire and what your body is capable of are two very different things right now.” He gave me a lopsided smile that was oddly endearing. “I want what you want, believe me, but I am not willing to tax your strength any more than necessary. And, right now, that’s what we would be doing.”
    “The whole point of sex is to be taxed,” I replied, exasperated. “If you’re not boneless and replete afterward, then you haven’t put enough effort into it.”
    “What effort can you put into it when you are all but exhausted?” He raised an eyebrow, expression amused. “Trust me, given the risks involved, I want nothing more than your maximum.”
    I laughed softly, then rose on tiptoes and dropped another quick kiss on his lips. “Believe me, when you give in—and you will give in, reaper—I’ll give you one hundred percent, exhausted or not.”
    “A promise I will hold you to.”
    “As long as you do hold me, I don’t care.” I reluctantly returned my attention to the building in front of us. “Can’t you just pull the information about the storage locker from the mind of whoever is manning the reception desk?”
    “I could, but our sorcerer appears to have telepathic abilities, remember, and while it is unlikely he would sense any psychic intrusion on my part, it is a risk we should not take, given he is most certainly aware of my presence on this quest.”
    I frowned. “Does that mean clouding her perception is out?”
    “No. Clouding is more a sensory intrusion than a mental one, and therefore it is safer.”
    “Then I guess you’d better make whoever is inside think we’re cops.”
    “That I can do.” He placed his fingers under my elbow and lightly guided me across to the thick shrubs that lined one side of the nearby parking lot. “If you wish to alter your facial shape, you will not be seen here by either the cameras or those driving by.”
    “Good idea.” While Azriel might be able to stop people from noticing his comings and goings, the last thing we needed was some poor driver spotting what I was doing and having a freak-out. While humanity was as aware of shape-shifters as they were vamps and werewolves, very few knew of the existence of us face-shifters.
    I flexed my fingers, then closed my eyes and pictured my own face—from the silver of my hair,

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