Dead Is Just a Rumor

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Book: Read Dead Is Just a Rumor for Free Online
Authors: Marlene Perez
at my boyfriend, who had an expression that told me he'd completely forgotten our plans.
    "Daisy, I have an appointment with Ms. Tray after school today," he confessed.
    I tried not to let my feelings show. Ryan hated disappointing me and I didn't want to make him feel any worse than he obviously did.
    "It's okay," I said. "I'll get a ride home with Sam. Maybe you can come over later?"
    "I'd love to," he said. "But I don't know how late I'll be."
    "Come over whenever," I said. "After his interview, Dad's having dinner out."
    "What's the matter, Ryan?" Sean teased. "Scared of the old man?"
    "Cut it out, Sean," he replied. "I'm not scared. Just cautious." When I laid a hand on his arm, he gave me a look meant to reassure me. But it didn't.
    I caught a ride home with Samantha.
    "How are plans for Merriweather House coming along?" I asked.
    "I may have bitten off more than I can chew," Samantha admitted. "I might need more of your help than I first thought."
    "Of course!" Samantha didn't admit to needing help very often. Usually, she commandeered volunteers and made it look like she was doing them a favor.
    When I got home, I made a quick batch of chocolate chip cookies and slid them in the oven, then sat at the kitchen counter, waiting for Ryan to show. When he came to the door, I was pleased to see that he wasn't that late. He stood on my front porch and I had to restrain myself from touching the curls at the nape of his neck.
    We went to the kitchen and I offered him a freshly baked cookie. He took one and ate it absent-mindedly.
    "I had the best meeting with the new counselor," Ryan said. We had the house to ourselves, but he didn't have romance on his mind. He was all amped up after his meeting.
    "She said that I should apply to a couple of out-of-state schools." My normally laid-back boyfriend was practically bouncing in his chair with excitement.
    "Out-of-state?" I was careful to keep the alarm I felt from my voice.
    Ryan and I had been talking about UC Nightshade. I didn't want to be too far from home, since Dad had just returned. And Ryan thought that UC Nightshade would be werewolf friendly.
    A thought struck me. "You didn't tell her about your condition, did you?"
    "No, of course not," Ryan said. "But I don't think she'd care. Ms. Tray thinks I have a lot of potential."
    I don't know exactly why this was making me so miserable. I should be happy that Ryan had someone to help him with his options for college.
    "She's super nice," he continued. "She wants to meet you, too."
    "She does?" I said. "Why?"
    "To find out more about you," he said. "To help you the way she's helping me."
    "Er, great," I said. Ryan didn't even notice the lack of enthusiasm in my voice.
    "I can't wait to tell my dad about the meeting. Do you mind? I'd love to try to catch him before he gets called out or goes to bed or something."
    I sighed. "Of course not."
    I said good night to my boyfriend and then went into the living room to watch a little television. Not exactly the way I envisioned my evening. I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, I heard a car door slam.
    I knew it was late because Letterman was on. I clicked off the TV and then Dad appeared in the doorway.
    "Where is everyone?" he said.
    "Mom and Poppy are both still working and Rose is out with Nicholas," I said. I smothered a yawn. Poppy had a new job this fall at the campus coffee shop.
    "Oh." He hovered in the doorway. "I guess I'll go to bed, then."
    "Me, too." I yawned again.
    Instead of heading upstairs, he stood there uncertainly.
    I remembered Rose's advice to include Dad in my life. "Dad, Nightshade High is having a fundraiser next weekend," I said. "Do you want to come?"
    He smiled. "I'd love to," he said. "Your mother and I haven't been to a school event in ... years." His smile faltered, but I pretended not to notice.
    I felt a twinge at the thought that all it took to make him happy was a little bit of my life.
    "You can meet our principal, Mr. Amador," I

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