Destiny's Blood

Read Destiny's Blood for Free Online

Book: Read Destiny's Blood for Free Online
Authors: Marie Bilodeau
Tags: Fantasy
dangerous cross her green eyes. She looked down, seeing the regulation gloves safely secured. She had heard what those of the Berganda race could do with their touch, and did not intend to die at the hands of one.
    “I’m sorry for my brother’s rudeness,” Avienne said, all smiles. “We’d just heard of a particular young woman gifted with plants.” Avienne glanced at the Berganda and gave a short, sweet laugh. “Although, I guess you would be great with them, too.”
    The Berganda seemed to relax a little, but her smile was too unmoving, too frozen, for Avienne to let her defences down. She let her right hand fall casually at her side, where she hid a throwing knife at the belt of her pants, without a pause in her speech. The Berganda was either fooled or enjoying Avienne’s performance, and so she continued.
    “What was her name? Lale Dem…no, more like Layla Moras?”
    “Layela Delamores,” Ardin said bluntly. Avienne wanted to hit him.
    “I guess that’s it,” Avienne said, hearing the strain in her own voice.
    The Berganda’s eyes lit up at the name.
    “She used to work here,” the Berganda said, her voice adopting the same sing-song quality as Avienne’s. “But she left to find rare Collarian flowers with her sisters Lale and Layla.”
    Avienne groaned. The little Berganda was having fun with them.
    “Excuse me,” the Berganda said, leaving them and turning her attention her customers. When the last three filed out with their colourful purchases, their glances sternly avoiding the siblings, the Berganda followed them, her gloved hands locking the door and lowering the blinds.
    “Now then,” the Berganda said, turning around, freeing her slender left hand from the worn leather glove. And then the right.
    The Berganda observed them closely, her calculating eyes taking in every detail, leaving nothing for granted. Avienne flipped out one of her knives and spun it in the air, catching it without breaking eye contact with the Berganda.
    “Who are you, and what do you want with Layela?” the Berganda said, no hint of fear in her voice. Not a good sign.
    Ardin shook his head and sighed, looking down at his comm link, where Avienne could see a silent text flashing. “We just want to get her to safety, that’s all.”
    The Berganda smirked. “I’m sure you do. You certainly look like the hero types.”
    Avienne gritted her teeth, knowing Ardin would not take kindly to that. She glanced towards her brother, who simply kept shaking his head. “Come on, Avienne. We’ve no business left here.”
    Without a second glance he unlocked the door and walked out, leaving Avienne and the Berganda to face each other. Avienne shrugged and flipped her knife once before making it vanish again within her clothing. The Berganda seemed to hesitate, but accepted Avienne’s show of peace and whipped her gloves back on.
    The Berganda seemed to relax a bit. “What do you really want with Layela?”
    Avienne shrugged. “Like my brother said, to protect her. But we don’t know anything else.” Then she added under her breath, “Except that if we don’t find her, we don’t get our profit.”
    The Berganda called out as Avienne pulled the door open, “Better give up on your pay, then.”
    Avienne paused and looked back. “Not the most positive thinker, are you?”
    The Berganda gave her a half smile. “For a Berganda, I’m actually quite positive.” She brought her hand up and left it lingering there, the implication of her gloved hand unmistakable.
    “Right. Time to go,” Avienne said. “Thanks. It’s a beautiful shop!”
    “I’ll let Layela know that when I see her next,” the Berganda called as the door closed behind Avienne, who grinned. Like the Berganda had any intention of leading them to her friend. A good bait, though.
    “I never knew Bergandas to be loyal to anyone but their own,” Avienne said as she joined her brother by the side of the building.
    “Speaking of being loyal to our own,

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