Isaac’s choices, was she not?”
    Michael’s eyes flickered to each of
us. “I demand Jared be punished for taking Isaac’s
    Samuel spoke again.
    “ Jared should be killed,
and leave his Taleh to the savages,” Michael said, pointing to
    “ Michael…” Samuel
repeated, this time with a low growl.
    “ An eye for an eye, Eli! I
demand it!” Michael said, his fists balled at his sides.
    “ MICHAEL!” Samuel boomed.
The earth trembled when he spoke, and my hands flew to my
    Eli watched the interaction between
Samuel and Michael for a moment, and then spoke. “Okay. All right.
I’ve heard enough from each side. Only one argument
    We all looked to one another,
wondering who was left.
    “ My apologies,” a warm
voice spoke. It was a voice I hadn’t heard in a long time. A voice
from my childhood.
    Jared’s hand was still in mine, and
the moment the voice could be heard, his hand went limp. “Dad?” he
    I turned, seeing Gabe Ryel at the top
of the chapel’s rock steps. He looked exactly as I remembered him:
tall, his blond hair and piercing, ice-blue eyes glowing even from
several feet away. A flash broke from the crowd and up the steps,
and in the next moment, Claire was in her father’s arms, sobbing
uncontrollably. She pressed her cheek against his chest, whispering
something I couldn’t understand. Gabe bowed his head, spoke
something back, and then he kissed his daughter’s forehead. They
descended the stairs together, and approached Bex.
    Gabe offered a small smile to his
youngest son, who fell against him with a clap.
    My mouth fell open, and I immediately
searched Jared’s face for a reaction. There was none.
    Gabe’s expression turned remorseful.
“I’m sorry for your son, Michael. You and I are in unique
positions…to know love for a child. You and I agree that if we
could change the outcome, we would make it so.”
    Eli reached out to Gabe. “It’s
important to remember that it is in the height of adversary that we
must come together. Michael, you’ve lost your son. Your widow has
now lost her husband and her son. It is unfortunate.”
    Michael bowed his head.
    Gabe approached Michael, pulling him
into his arms. “We need you on our side, Brother.”
    Michael shrugged out of his
    “ Eli?” Michael
    Eli offered a small, comforting smile.
“You already know the answer.”
    Michael shot an accusing glare at
    Jared’s brows pulled in. “I didn’t
want Isaac to die, Michael. I swear to you, I wish it hadn’t
    “ Very well, then.” He
gestured to the cloaked angels, and they all disappeared into the
    Eli clapped his hands together, lacing
his fingers together. “Impeccable timing, as always,
    Gabe nodded. His eyes paused on me for
a moment before fixing on Jared. “This isn’t your fault,
    Jared didn’t speak. His face tense,
his dark eyes meeting the eyes of his father, he was paralyzed. The
scene brought back memories of the moment I saw my father for the
last time, and I ached for Jared. He would have to say goodbye a
second time.
    “ Jared,” Gabe began, “it’s
not your fault. You’ve done everything right.”
    Jared’s head dipped slightly as he
attempted a nod.
    “ Son….” Gabe cupped both
of his hands on Jared’s shoulders. “I’m proud of you.”
    Jared choked, and his body gave way,
allowing him to fall against his father. I covered my mouth,
unaccustomed to seeing Jared relinquish control of his emotions.
They embraced, and Jared’s knuckles turned white as he held Gabe in
his arms. When Gabe released him, Jared used his thumb and index
finger to make a quick swipe of his wet eyes.
    “ It’s good to see you
again, Dad,” Jared said with a weak smile.
    Gabe beamed. “You’ve done well, Son.
You’ve done well.”
    “ I’ve tried,” Jared said,
relieved at his father’s words. He took my hand, then. “You
remember Nina.”

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