Edge of Love
watched me. It looked crestfallen and
hurt. Right now, I didn’t give a shit how she felt. She denied the
one request I made. I had never asked her to do anything in our
relationship before, and the one time I do ask her to do something,
she blatantly ignored it. We had only been here for a few hours,
but this weekend already couldn’t get any worse. I looked at my
brother and caught him staring at Scarlet’s legs under her dress.
Now I really wanted to kill him.
    Mike rose from his seat away from the
fire and took his place next to Scarlet. I knew he was trying to
piss me off. It was definitely working. Scarlet immediately looked
uncomfortable and she glanced at me, silently asking me what she
wanted me to do. I looked away and ignored her. She wouldn’t listen
to me anyway.
    Scarlet rose from the chair then sat
on the bricks of the fire right beside my chair. She looked like a
dog sitting at my feet, but I was glad that she moved. I knew she
was trying to make amends from her earlier mistake, but I was still
too angry to grant forgiveness. When I took the ring from her
finger and slipped it on the opposite hand, she looked like she was
about to cry. Once again, I didn’t care. She knew I wasn’t ending
our relationship. I just didn’t want to tell our parents about our
engagement. I wasn’t in the mood for celebrating—at all.
    I felt her eyes looking into my face,
but I didn’t return her look. Mike was the only one who noticed the
tension in the room and he blatantly smiled at me, knowing he was
triumphant in his attempt to piss me off. My parents didn’t seem to
pick up on the heat in the room.
    “ Mike, how are things in
New York?” Diane took a drink of her wine and looked at her
    Even though my brother lived in the
same city as me for years, we never made the effort to see each
other. We saw each other in a bar one time, but neither one us
acknowledged the other. As far as I was concerned, Mike wasn’t my
brother. Ryan was more of a brother than he ever was.
    Mike drank from his beer before he
returned it to the table. “Good.”
    “ What have you been
doing?” My mom asked.
    “ You know, the usual.” He
smiled at his mom. “Hitting the gym, the office, hanging with my
    Diane nodded. “Do you spend a lot of
time with Sean?”
    His smile faltered for a moment.
“Yeah. We see each other all the time.”
    I nodded. “Yeah.” I felt Scarlet
looking at me from the floor, but she didn’t speak up. I knew I
would be questioned about this conversation later. I wasn’t looking
forward to it. For the first time, I wanted to run away from
Scarlet. I had no interest in speaking to her.
    My father leaned forward. “And how’s
    He shrugged. “It’s okay. It’s pretty
much the same thing every day but different numbers.”
    “ Why don’t you work for
me?” his father asked. “The company belongs to you and Sean when I
    I took a drink of my wine then
returned it to the table. “No. It belongs to Mike. I want nothing
to do with the company.”
    Mike stared at me for a moment but he
didn’t respond to my comment. I would love to be the CEO of a
computer software company and be a millionaire, but if I had to
work with Mike, talk to him on a daily basis, then forget it. I
would rather have a simple life with Scarlet than deal with him all
the time.
    My father stared at me but didn’t
comment. He turned back to Mike. “What do you say?”
    Mike shook his head. “No. I like
    Diane sighed. “We have a million
dollar company and neither of our sons want it.” She shook her
head. “You two are odd.”
    Mike shrugged. “We’ll offer it to our
children, and if they say no, then we’ll sell it and split it down
the middle.”
    Andrew raised an eyebrow. “But you
could make a lot more money just running the company.”
    I shook my head. “We don’t know
anything about computers.”
    Mike nodded. “I can barely figure out
my Mac.”
    “ Well, I

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