EHuman Dawn

Read EHuman Dawn for Free Online

Book: Read EHuman Dawn for Free Online
Authors: Nicole Sallak Anderson
accuse me of anything?” Adam could feel anger pulse through his circuitry.
    “Douglas asked you to read it in private. And instead, you shared classified information with the spin master of our time, Anthony Westfield! Do you think he simply let it go when you left the office? He called the Guardians at the New Omaha LMO, who have taken Douglas to some undisclosed site to be investigated. His memory will be read and he’ll be killed. And now you’re being watched.”
    “But I had no idea what was in that envelope!” Adam protested. “I had no idea how bad the information was or what it meant. The man gave me no indication—”
    “He didn’t?” she interrupted, “How about the fact that that he had been accused of harboring Hactivists? God, you just don’t think!”
    Adam stopped dancing and forced the woman from his embrace. He stared at her as the other couples spun past them. Suddenly, everything began to add up in his mind.
    “I’ve seen you around a few times in the past few weeks,” he said, “You’ve been following me, haven’t you?”
    “Yes,” she admitted.
    “Then it’s your fault your friend is dead. Because if you’d done your research, you’d know that my job as a media guy is to make everyone happy and content with news that is approved by the WG, not by some Hactivist group! I’m not sure why you gave me this information, but if it was a hero in the media you were looking for, you chose the wrong guy.”
    She looked at him intensely, as if she didn’t believe him. Again something within him stirred in recognition. An eerie aura of nostalgia enveloped and overwhelmed Adam. Sensing his discomfort, the mysterious woman shook her head slightly, as if to dust away an old memory.
    “I’m sorry. I’ve begun this poorly. I had the information about the power shutdown in Chengdu passed on to you so that you would know about it. I confess—I was hoping you’dreport it on your popular Newsreel. It’s important that as many of us as possible wake up and see what’s happening before it’s too late.”
    “You mean before they shutdown New Omaha?” he asked.
    “Yes. But our peril is much greater than that. The group I represent has been working for over two hundred years to expose the WG. We call ourselves the Global Resistance. We can’t work in the shadows anymore. The struggle is about to break out into the open. That’s why I’m here. I want to save you—and make you a hero.”
    “How?” Adam demanded.
    “I can offer you a second chance to help us. But now that you’re being watched, I can’t tell you anymore about it without compromising our work,” she began.
    “I’ll be more careful,” he interrupted, but she held up her hand to shush him. She grabbed him and began dancing with him again, a closely held tango. Her mouth was a hair’s width from his ear.
    “The Guardians have full read and write access to our database,” she whispered, “It’s part of their power. Over time they’ve read our thoughts and created small applications, written little by little into our code and memory, to make us forget our past. These applications destroy our curiosity and desire to know more. We begin to live out our lives without question. Essentially, when we became eHuman we placed our Lux into machines. We’re turning into robots. The WG can do what they wish. We’re a completely submissive society and they have access to each of us. Even if you don’t use your wireless, you’ll need to connect to recharge. They’ll see that you’ve met me.”
    “Then what do I do?” he whispered back into her ear.
    “I’m going to make you the offer of a lifetime. Come with me and join the Resistance. I’ll grant you full access. In exchange, all I ask is that you use this information to expose the WG on your Newsreel. My Hackers can help you get around the Friend’s Network and stream it on Neuro. No angles, no spinning—just the story as you see it,” she offered.
    “Or,” Adam

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