
Read Electric for Free Online

Book: Read Electric for Free Online
Authors: Tawny Stokes
Kyle about her when I got home after school. Trevor was going to do his magic and get an address for her. I didn't know what magic he possessed to get that kind of information and I didn't ask. Now that he knew the way to the morgue he'd probably sneak in through a shadow and search the files for Deanna's information, her address and her next of kin. I shivered thinking about it.
    At lunch Chloe and I met up on the quad to go over strategy. It was just the two of us because Jamie wasn't at school. Chloe said he called in sick, and when she tried him he didn't answer his phone.
    "Do you really think he's sick?" I asked while taking a bite of my pizza pocket.
    Chloe shrugged. "Who knows. He's so moody sometimes."
    "Maybe it's PMS."
    "With him, it might very well be." She laughed.
    "So, did you find out anything?"
    "Just that Deanna was a bit of a..." she paused and looked abashed.
    "Of a what?"
    She gave me a look. "I don't want to speak ill of the dead, you know?"
    I nodded. "She slept around."
    "Did anyone mention if she hung out anywhere frequently? Like a coffee house or a bar or anything like that?"
    "Someone did mention a dive downtown called The Ye Old Tavern."
    "Sounds like a place Merlin would go to."  I picked at the rest of my lunch, no longer really hungry.
    "You're planning on going down there are you?"
    "I have to Chloe. I can't let anyone else die because of me." I went to pop the tab on my Coke, when a football landed on our table, spilling Chloe's drink.
    We both got up before the drink could drench us both. I looked over to see who threw the ball and saw one of the jock straps, Kevin, laughing at his stellar aim.  I picked up the football and spun it around in my hands.
    "Hey, Vale, throw it back," he shouted.
    "Oh you want your ball back?"
    The others in his brat pack were all laughing. All except for plastic posse princess Heather. She was watching but she didn't look none too happy about it. Which I found odd since in the past she would’ve been the one to egg the situation on.
    "Toss it back," Kevin started toward us.
    Instead of throwing it at him, I reached into my back pocket, whipped out my pocket knife, a gift from Trevor, opened the blade and stabbed it into the pig skin.  I only had to do it once to pierce the leather, my cambion strength a bonus in this situation.  Once the ball was completed deflated, I then threw back to Kevin.
    "Here you go. Have fun with it."
    Kevin glared at me. "You're a freak, Vale."
    "Duh!" I flipped him the middle finger, then Chloe and I gathered the rest of our stuff and went back into the school.  Heather watched us the entire time without even a glimmer of a smile on her face.
    What was up with that?
    After school, I went home and waited for Kyle. I wasn't sure how I was going to brooch the subject of Deanna Moser, but all I knew was I had to somehow. Before I did though, I scoured the newspaper and the news websites to make sure they hadn't released her name yet as the deceased teen found in the dumpster. They hadn't yet, but I knew it would only be a matter of time. It would probably be all over the place by tomorrow. The media had no respect for the dead.
    I made myself a peanut butter and banana sandwich and parked myself in the living room to wait. A sandwich, glass of milk and an episode of My Little Pony later, Kyle finally dragged his ass through the front door.
    He was a bit surprised to see me lying in wait, as I usually spent my time locked in my room or I was out either at work or out with Trevor.
    "What's the matter, Trevor and you break up?" He kicked off his runners and dumped his backpack in the corner.
    I got up and followed him into the kitchen.
    He opened the refrigerator and took out a can of Coke, opened it and chugged half of it down.  He stared at me. "What's going on? You were acting weird last night, now this." He gestured to me, as I sat on a bar stool at the counter and smiled at him.
    "Can't you and I just have a normal

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