Emily and The Spider
come and visit Bes and Bird and always ask the same question,
“Any news yet, has she come back?” And the answer would always be
the same, “not yet my old friend, but she will, she will”.
    Today was to be Goliath’s last visit, as he
was now very old and had decided to live out the rest of his days
in the jungle, as best he could.
    He had come to the house to say his goodbyes
to Bes and Bird. His aching legs carried him up the steps to the
veranda, where he slowly walked around. “Still takes half and hour”
he said to himself.
    “Hello old friend” said a voice behind him,
one that he did not recognize. He slowly turned to see where the
voice came from. Before him stood a beautiful woman, who looked
vaguely familiar.
    “Seen any tigers around here lately?” the
woman asked.
    “Emily, is that you?” he asked
disbelievingly. “It is you, isn’t it? I don’t believe it! Bird,
Bes, quick, quick come here” he shouted.
    Bird flew over to Goliath to see what all the
fuss was about.
    “Well, you took your time, young lady!” said
    “Oh Bird, Goliath, I am so happy to be back”.
Said Emily as she picked up Goliath and hugged him tightly, as bird
shouted “Mother, Mother!! Bring the kids, she’s back, she’s
    Emily was so happy to be home at last she
placed Goliath back on the floor and asked “Where is Bes?”
    The little girl stood on the stool and looked
up at the spiders web. She had a handkerchief in her pocket, which
she carefully pulled out and opened up. Inside the handkerchief
were lots of dead flies. Her mummy had told her where to find them.
So she had collected as many as she could. She carefully began to
throw the flies into the web. “Want some food?” she asked.
    “My name is Grace. What is yours?” Said the
little girl not really expecting any sort of answer.
    The big orange stripey spider crawled out of
it’s dark hiding place and came face to face with the little
    “Why, my name is Bes” she said.
    The little girl fell off the stool and ran
away shouting “Mummy, mummy, a talking spider!”
    The End

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