Enamored: The Submissive Mistress (Special Double-Length Episode) (The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle)

Read Enamored: The Submissive Mistress (Special Double-Length Episode) (The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle) for Free Online

Book: Read Enamored: The Submissive Mistress (Special Double-Length Episode) (The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle) for Free Online
Authors: Colette Gale
Tags: Fiction/Erotica
    I should have begged. I should have asked.
    No . Doing so would give him too much power over her.
    But he has all the power already. What difference does it make now?
    Your pride, Jane. Your own mind.
    I don’t care. I’ve had worse. All I want is to save Papa. And to end this torture!
    Jane’s mind bartered with itself, arguing and pleading in an exhausting whirlwind. Her knees were trembling, her shoulders ached, and she was tempted to allow herself to sink to the floor.
    No one was around. She’d heard nothing, not one sound for hours. No one would see.
    He wouldn’t see.
    And what if she eased her knees together, just a little. Just enough…
    Or if she slipped one hand back there to touch herself? It would only take a moment. One quick jiggle, one well-placed stroke, and the torture would be over. Relief.
    Jane was breathing hard again; all of her thoughts focused on the possibility of relief. She felt herself grow even more huge and ready, hot and throbbing, as if her sex was attempting to lure her fingers into the temptation. She could do it in a trice… He’d never know.
    She eased forward slightly, heart pounding. A swath of hair fell from where it had been loosely bundled at the nape of her neck and dangled from her shoulder. If she was lucky, if someone was watching, it would obscure the fact that she was moving one hand from beneath her shoulder…and back.
    Stealthily, slowly, as her body twinged in anticipation…
    Jane touched herself, found her wet, swollen folds, and swallowed a sigh of relief and pleasure. Biting her lip, she closed her eyes and thought of Zaren.
    The barest touch of a fingertip on her tight little nub sent waves of hot, sharp lust through her. Yes. Jane jiggled it, stroked, and then she exploded. Waves of pleasure rocked her, traveling through her body as she muffled a groan of triumph and relief.
    Panting, half sagging in a heap onto the floor, she opened her eyes a moment later, still warm and flushed and shuddering.
    There was a pair of shoes. Right in front of her.
    Jane gasped and looked up. A shock of cold fear rushed over her when she saw Darkdale’s expression.
    “Apparently,” he said in that low, exotic voice, “you like to be punished. You want to feel my wrath. Don’t you, Jane darling?”
    “No,” she pleaded before she could stop herself. “Please…no!”
    He lifted his dark-winged brows. “Are you begging for pleasure? Or are you speaking out of turn? Either way, my darling, you’ve already garnered a new—and delicious— punishment.”
    Jane’s breath clogged and she closed her mouth, trembling and hot. Please , she wanted to say. What would he do to her now?
    “There are so many ways I could punish you, my dear Jane. I could whip you until you beg for mercy. I could hang you from the ceiling and let you dangle for hours, naked and untouched. I could turn you over my knee and spank and spank until your arse was blazing hot, and your cunt red and dripping. And it would be, wouldn’t it, Jane? You’d like that…perhaps a bit too much. But I think,” he said, taking her roughly by the arm, “I have a more pleasurable way to punish you.”
    He yanked her to her feet, and her hair swirled about even as she staggered on weak knees. Her heart thudded and her mouth was dry, but she dared not speak.
    Darkdale pulled her from the chamber and she walked as well as she could, stumbling and trembling as they made their way down an empty corridor to a set of French doors. He flung them open and dragged her inside, entering a large bedchamber.
    A massive four-poster bed sat on one end, piled high with red velvet coverings and pillows. Its curtains were tied back at each ceiling-high post, thick rugs covered the floor, and a fire roared in the fireplace. Decorated tastefully and lit with the yellow glow of lamps, the chamber was amazingly warm and inviting.
    Jane hardly noticed the other furnishings as Darkdale shoved her toward the massive bed. She fell

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