Everything I Want

Read Everything I Want for Free Online

Book: Read Everything I Want for Free Online
Authors: Natalie Barnes
both laughed, and I followed him through the next area to start getting ready.
    I’m sitting in the dressing area that they have designated off from the other side of the warehouse. Black curtains hanging from standing iron rods are the only things that are covering me. Stand up lights and a makeshift vanity are the only things back here with me. The stool I’m sitting on is hard and very cold. Very uncomfortable.
    This girl named Kelsie is doing my hair. She’s dressed in an oversized white see-through blouse tucked into these tight black high waist slacks. Her pants kind of reminded me of the movie Cry Baby when the grandmother called the girls from the Drapes pants “hysterectomy pants.”
    Kelsie has on these seven-inch, red Mary Jane pumps that make her legs look so long. The way she has her hair and make-up done reminds me of Dita Von Teese. She’s brushing, blow drying, and curling my hair. Good thing I have thicker hair because if not, I would be kind of worried about going bald with the way she’s pulling on it.
    Frankie leans in with his little, black makeup palate and brush. “Pucker up them Jolie lips, hun.” He starts painting on this red, red lipstick. He won’t even let me look into the mirror yet until he’s finished with me. And it’s already been over an hour.
    I hear the guys behind the curtain getting kind of restless of waiting. I asked twenty minutes ago if Caleb wouldn’t mind going on a beer run for them since I didn’t really know how long it was going to take me.
    “All done. Wow! My best masterpiece yet. Girl, you’re gonna break lots of hearts and give a whole lotta hard-ons.” Frankie’s grinning and clapping to himself. What did he just say? I laugh because he’s so blunt and full of fun. I love people who are themselves and don’t give a rat’s ass about what anyone else thinks.
    “Hey, Frankie, do you mind grabbing me a beer? I’m getting kind of uncomfortable and would like to have one, just while I’m waiting to get done.” Frankie’s shaking his head with a little smile on his plump lips.
    “Do you wanna ruin my beautiful lip work? Hmm… What about I track you down a straw? But. Be. Very. Careful.” He turns on his heel and pushes the curtain to the side. All of a sudden, I hear Frankie scream. “Eeek!” All of the guys start laughing, and off into the distance, I hear Roger’s low mumbling.
    “I’m not changing my shit! It’s pretty much the same shit on that table.”
    Frankie’s heel boots go clicking off in Roger’s direction.
    “ It’s a shoot! Change into wardrobe!” Some more mumbling is going on, and then I hear Frankie again.
    “Fine. Fucking whatever! But I don’t want my fucking name on his name when it comes to stylist.” Frankie bursts back into my little area. I thought there for a minute that he was going to take the whole rod down when he threw open the curtains the way he did when coming back here. He blows out a breath of air then blows up pieces of his hair that got in his face from him storming through the curtains. He hands me my beer with a straw in it. I grab the beer from him and smile. I never had a Coors with a straw in it. I laugh to myself a little. I look back up to him and say, “Thank you.”
    “You’re sweet. But that barbarian, Roger… With his oil stained pants! I mean, I picked out some damn good pieces.” He’s shaking his head now and heads toward the curtains again. He stops right before he reaches them and turns slightly. Peering over his shoulder with this up-to-no-good look and says, “I think you look like the rock goddess that you are. Everyone will think so. Well, everyone but maybe… Tristan.” He gives me a quick wink of his eye before disappearing back through the black curtains again. What in the hell is that supposed to mean?
    Kelsie is done with my hair and just finishing up with some spray. Frankie is all excited to turn me in my chair. “Open your eyes, sweetheart.” Frankie whispers in my

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