Ex on the Beach

Read Ex on the Beach for Free Online

Book: Read Ex on the Beach for Free Online
Authors: Kim Law
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
“them.” Because she did not need to think about “them.”
    Heck, she didn’t need to think about him.
    But as she hurried along the path to the inn, little else crossed her mind. He had looked really good.
    And he’d smelled even better.
    She closed her eyes with the memory but almost tripped, so opened them again and glanced at Kayla. “What’s the problem at the house?”
    Kayla averted her gaze. “Mr. and Mrs. Jordan had barely checked in when their bathroom floor flooded. The toilet ran over.”
    Oh geez, what a way to start the event that had to be perfect.
    “The plumber is tied up with another emergency on the other side of the island. It’ll be late evening before he can get here. Possibly morning.”
    “Well then, call someone else. But first, get the Jordans taken care of. Put them in Mr. Kavanaugh’s room.” She didn’t want Mark under the same roof as her, anyway. “We’ll move him to the hotel.”
    She worried that would look suspicious since she’d just been caught fuming at the guy, but she couldn’t care less. The more steps she put between them, the more she remembered what it had been like when they were together. How hot it could get in an instant. And she knew he remembered it too. She’d seen it in his eyes when he’d looked her up and down.
    All Andie could think about was how four years of celibacy — on her part — and two people who had combustible pasts could turn into nothing but wrong. Especially when she was stressed to an intolerable level, and everyone knew how good sex was for stress.

    “I can’t get over the fact that Andie’s running this gig.” Rob Masterson cracked open a crab leg and waved it in the air as he ranted about how shocked he’d been to find her running the place. He then described how pathetic it was that Mark had suggested the wedding be there in the first place. “I mean, clearly you knew she was here. You’re still hung up on her. When are you going to move on, man?”
    “I have moved on,” Mark uttered. “Years ago.”
    Gray coughed something into his hand that sounded suspiciously like, Bullshit .
    “Shut up, Gray.”
    “But you knew this was her business, right?” Rob added. “That’s too big of a coincidence.”
    Mark studied his buddy in the waning daylight, wishing Rob hadn’t left Penelope’s side to come over and catch up. He was not in the mood for his friend that night. “Yes,” he finally answered, knowing Rob wouldn’t shut up until he admitted it. Also knowing Gray would out him if he didn’t do it himself. It wasn’t like he could deny it after the earlier conversation with Andie. “I knew it was her place.”
    Rob dipped the crabmeat in butter, his attention now on his meal, giving Mark the mistaken hope that their conversation was over. He eyed Gray, who scanned the area as if looking for someone.
    “Looking for Roni?” Mark asked.
    “Who?” His friend might pull off a poker face for jurors, but Mark knew Gray well. He was hot for Andie’s friend.
    “The hostess that was here earlier. Her name is Roni.” Mark tilted his beer at Gray. “You’re hoping to hook up.”
    Gray shrugged, not denying it, and Rob interrupted, lifting his eyes from his plate to catch Mark head-on. “You and Beth come across it before she dumped you?”
    Clearly, he wanted to understand how they’d ended up there. But some things were none of his business.
    “Something like that, yeah.”
    Rob tossed the next crab leg onto his plate and turned to Mark, wiping his mouth on the cloth napkin. “Is that why she dumped you? Because you’re still hung up on this one?”
    Gray didn’t say anything, merely smiled wide.
    “No,” Mark answered. “That is not why she dumped me.”
    “Because if so, that’s even worse than I thought. Andie’s a nobody, bro. Though finding out her aunt owns the place …” He whistled softly through his teeth. “That was a surprise. But still, she’s Kentucky hicksville.”
    “Shut up, Rob,”

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