Fabio's Remorse (Hell Raiders MC Book 5)

Read Fabio's Remorse (Hell Raiders MC Book 5) for Free Online

Book: Read Fabio's Remorse (Hell Raiders MC Book 5) for Free Online
Authors: Aden Lowe
flags went up all over my brain. "Thanks for the offer, man. Think I'm going to turn in, though. Have to get on the road pretty early tomorrow."
    The other guy shrugged and grinned. "Your loss, man. Ol' Devin's wife over there been looking you up and down, said she'd like a li'l strange."
    For fucks sake. Leave it to me to find the only fucking campground in the state with some chick looking for some extra dick. "Again, thanks for the offer, but not interested." I was so not in the mood for bullshit like this.
    The taller guy's face reddened. "You sayin' my wife's cunt ain't good enough for you?"
    Samurai stood, on full alert. I took his hint and stood, too. "No, I'm saying I'm just not interested."
    Second idiot laughed. "Well, either you're sayin' it ain't good enough, or you're a fag. Which is it?"
    "I'm not looking for trouble, boys. Probably a good idea for you to head on back to your camp." My 9mm rode easy in its holster, concealed by the bottom of my shirt and ready in case I needed it.
    Samurai made a low, vibrating growl, deep in his chest, unlike anything I'd heard from him before. The unmistakable warning made me even more wary. I lifted the edge of my shirt, so the gun became visible.
    The second idiot laughed again. "Check it out, Devin. Fag thinks he's big just because he's got a gun. Bet it ain't even loaded."
    I grinned. "That's the kind of thinking that gets idiots dead. Not only is it loaded, but I know how to use it very well. Just ask all the jihadis rotting in the sand because of me."
    The taller one paled a little, and seemed ready to back down, but his buddy had other ideas. "I call bullshit. Every asshole that wants to act like the big swingin' dick in town says he went to war."
    I shrugged. "Guess you'd know all about that, huh." I moved away from the fire a little, and Samurai separated, flanking the smaller guy. "You probably have to make up for some deficiencies by pretending to be something you're not."
    His face went dark red and sweat beaded his forehead. "What the fuck you trying to say?"
    "I'm not trying to say anything. I am saying you have to talk so big because you're a damn pussy. That's why his wife is looking for real dick. You couldn't do it for her."
    His fists clenched, but he didn't move. "I could kill you for that."
    "Well, son, come on, then, and quit talking about it. I've been trying to get some motherfucker to kill me for two years." I stepped to the side, hands loose at my sides.
    The taller one reached for his arm. "Charlie, come on, man. He ain't worth it."
    He jerked away. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go." He turned and started to walk back toward their camp. A few steps away, he paused and looked back. "You better keep that fucking mutt away from us, too. I'll put a bullet in its fucking head."
    Rage shot through me. Samarai reacted, dropping into a fighting crouch, ready to spring. I deliberately walked to the man and grabbed the front of his shirt, hauling him up to look him directly in the eye. "Listen, motherfucker. You come near me, or my dog, and I will fucking end you. Best thing you can do to stay alive right now is go zip yourself inside your tent and fucking stay there." I let go with a shove.
    He stumbled back a couple of steps before tripping and falling. His buddy helped him up, and they rushed back to their camp to disappear inside their tents.
    I went back to my seat by my fire, and Samurai came to sit by my feet. "Don't worry, ol' boy. Anybody wants to hurt you, they have to go through me first." I ruffled his fur and offered him a treat, which he took with his usual delicate precision.
    After a few minutes, just as I started to consider hitting the hay, a couple walked up out of the darkness. Fuck. The joy just never stopped around here, did it?
    The man held a hand out to shake. "I'm Mark Ennox, and this is my wife, Carla."
    I accepted the handshake, wary. Samurai stayed relaxed, though, tongue lolling as he half-smiled. "Caleb." I motioned to a second log

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