
Read Fabled for Free Online

Book: Read Fabled for Free Online
Authors: Vanessa K. Eccles
whatever,” Hans replied.
    Before I could ask another question, I began to feel incredibly tired. My limbs became as heavy as boulders, until I couldn’t hold them up anymore. I slouched onto the couch and struggled to keep eyes on my two captors.
      “Don’t fight it, Rowena. It’s going to be just fine. When you wake up, you’ll be at the Tresels’ home. I enjoyed our chat,” Greta’s voice trailed. The last thing I saw was Greta’s innocent-looking smile.

Chapter 4
    I awoke to the smell of alcohol.  
    “Wake up!” a young girl obnoxiously screamed.
    “Leave her alone. She’ll wake up when she’s good and ready,” another said.
    “Girls, quit it. Go on to your rooms,” an older woman’s voice commanded.
    I heard their footsteps trailing further and further away, but I still couldn’t focus my eyes on anything. The room spun; I spun. Drugged , I concluded. That overly-delicious muffin was poison, as all too good things are.
    When I finally convinced my eyes to settle on one object, I saw her. Her raven hair tied neatly into a high bun. Her royal blue dress looked like something out of the middle ages. This must be Mrs. Tresels .
    “Hello, Rowena.” Her satin voice and cool eyes inspired both attention and response.
    “Hello,” I whispered and sat up on the bed. We were sitting in a stone room with one tiny, barred window. The linens were stark white, and the bed, as I later found out from the constant stabbing, was made of straw. The dimming sun outside and a flickering candle sitting on the solo nightstand served as the only source of light. The door was closed with a matching barred window in it. Panic began to set in, but before I could speak, she did.
    “You’ll be joining the staff for supper. Please wash up, and find your way downstairs in fifteen minutes.” She stood, wiped the wrinkles out of her dress, and made her way to the door. She knocked on it gently. A large man with a spiked collar and bulging muscles opened it and stood aside as she walked out of the room. He closed and locked the door behind her. I could hear the iron clank as he turned the key.
    “Wait!” I yelled.
    “What?” he asked peeking through the door’s window.
    “How will I get to supper in time if I’m locked in here?”
    “Knock and I’ll come unlock it when you’re ready.”
    Still sitting on the bed, I glanced around the room again and took inventory. There was a small basin and vase sitting on a wooden stand directly in front of the bed. Right beside it was a poorly-carved vanity sat, complete with an oval mirror. My positioning allowed me to see the glow of myself through it.  
    I walked towards the window and saw that the sun was setting. The two moons that Chester had told me about hung high in the sky, barely visible. The fog had come back and was settling amongst the trees. We were on a knoll, and just at the belt of the hill was a tall block fence, complete with a massive iron gate at the entrance, like something you’d see in a movie. Wow , I thought. I’m in a castle.  
    My ponderings would have to wait. I knew my fifteen minutes were winding down quickly. I went to the basin and pitcher, poured the water, and washed my hands and face. A small, cracked mirror revealed my smeared face. Last night’s make-up was not faring well. I struggled to get off the eyeliner and mascara. I then moved to the mop that had become my hair. I had lost the bobby pins that held it up yesterday. I sat down at the vanity and searched through its four drawers, finally finding what I needed in the last. There was a beautiful, yet simple, large comb with burgundy stones dressing the top. I twisted my sloppy curls and secured it into my hair. Finally, I was ready to see what I had gotten myself into.
    I knocked, gently at first, like Mrs. Tresels. But he didn’t come. I knocked again, louder. Finally, I resulted to yelling.
    “Mister! Please let me out for supper!”
    I heard his massive footsteps drawing closer.

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