Fiery Edge of Steel (A NOON ONYX NOVEL)

Read Fiery Edge of Steel (A NOON ONYX NOVEL) for Free Online

Book: Read Fiery Edge of Steel (A NOON ONYX NOVEL) for Free Online
Authors: Jill Archer
I’d rather have avoided, had been involuntarily catapulted into the
position), but even the most resentful of them must have realized the gravity of the situation. First, the trip to the Shallows would be dangerous all on its own. Traveling conditions had improved only slightly in the last four hundred years. Sickness and hunger might not be a problem, but rough waters,
demons, and other unseen river dangers were still very much a threat to any party sailing the Lethe. Second, no demon would welcome Council involvement in outpost affairs. Sure, Vodnik would be obliged to put us up and allow us to investigate, but he was a demon. He would be planning all sorts of cunning ways to make our deaths in the Shallows look accidental. And, life being what it was out there in the eastern hinterlands of Halja, staging an accidental death would be all too easy. Third, and worst by far, was the fact that the assignment wasn’t random. If my investigation proved that either Vodnik or Grimasca (if such a demon even existed in the first place) was guilty, I would have to execute it.
    “You won’t be without help,” Rochester said. “In addition to Mr. Carmine, who’s had some prior field experience, your captain, Ferenc Delgato, will also act as a guide and mentor. Delgato is an old friend of mine. He’s going to continue your Manipulation training en route.” I swallowed and nodded slowly. I was glad to hear there would be a more experienced Maegester accompanying us.
    Rochester rummaged around in his desk, finally pulling out a silver vial on a silver chain. He walked over to my desk, the tiny vial swinging gently from his finger.
    “Is there a demon in there?” I said, eyeing the vessel suspiciously. Last semester, Rochester had delivered a demon familiar to me in a silver filigreed ball that looked disturbingly similar to this piece.
    “Even if there were, Ms. Onyx, you’d be bound to accept what help I offered you.” When I still didn’t reach for it, he grunted and said, “It’s an alembic full of waerwater.”
    “Waerwater?” I said, reaching for the vial. “Never heard of it.”
    “Let’s hope not,” Rochester said. But instead of handing me the alembic, Rochester unclasped the chain and motioned for me to turn around. I did and a moment later Rochester had fastened the chain around my neck. I held up the silver vial, examining it more closely. There were no filigrees or scrolls. Nothing etched on its surface. The whole thing was as smooth as a mirror. I dropped the alembic and it thudded heavily against my chest.
    “Waerwater is a type of truth serum,” Rochester explained. “Any demon accused of a sin punishable by death has the right to request trial by waerwater. Have you used waerwater before, Mr. Carmine, when you were working for the executive?”
    Ari nodded grimly.
    “Good. Then you can instruct Ms. Onyx in its use should the need arise.” But instead of nodding again, Ari just looked at me warily. I had the feeling I wouldn’t like hearing what Ari had to say about using waerwater. The alembic suddenly felt even heavier around my neck. But Rochester was moving on. Class was almost over.
    “The last bit of assistance,” Rochester said, returning to stand at the front of the room, “will be provided by the Joshua School.” He addressed everyone now. “This semester, each of you will have a chance to select a Guardian Angel to work with during your field assignments. Your Guardian Angel will travel with you and train with you. Select carefully. Some of these pairings last for a lifetime.
    “Okay, that’s it for today. Later tonight, read your case files. Everyone leaves in three days, immediately after Angel selection.”
    There was no time after class to speak to Ari privately. Instead, we walked to our lockers among a sea of students. I didn’t want to talk about the
Carne Vale
or our assignment. Or what Ari had been doing before class or my lunch with Karanos yesterday.

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