Forever Loved (Forever Lost Book 2)

Read Forever Loved (Forever Lost Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Forever Loved (Forever Lost Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Laura Morgan
opinion of herself. When she’d kept him waiting so long to be intimate before, he’d gone elsewhere for the release she wasn’t giving him, and it made her want to vomit even contemplating that he might ever feel that way now that they were back together. Leo had promised her that he hadn’t slept with anyone since before the night of his fateful birthday party, and she believed him. His imprisonment helped her trust that story, but there would always be a teensy bit of doubt. She knew he wouldn’t have been using the other men around him to relieve that pressure in prison, but struggled to believe she could be everything he needed going forward.
    Cassie pushed the despair away. She had Leo in her life again and knew that it was a time for celebrating, not for dwelling on her fears. The pair of them had barely left her bed those few days after getting back to her place following the play’s opening night, and it’d been wonderful. Cassie knew she had to get over her hang-ups and trust Leo to keep his word. They had a lot of making up to do, both in and out of the bedroom, and she couldn’t expect it to happen overnight.
    “Who pissed on your chips?” Roger said with a cocky grin as he came into her office and took a seat without bothering to ask permission. Cassie giggled, but screwed up her nose in disgust at his rough British tone. He was clearly letting his Cockney accent out more than usual for comic effect, and it worked.
    “Nice.” Cassie shook her head, but continued to laugh. “And, you don’t make any sense, by the way!” she added with a smile.
    “I don’t know. You live away for a few years, come back with a weird accent, and now you seem to have forgotten all the Great British slang!” She really did like Roger, and loved the playful side he only showed once he’d done all of his security checks and had let his guard down a little. He was right though, and she hadn’t realized it while still across the pond, but her accent was now a mixture of British with the odd inflection in tone or American word. She was still struggling to drop her New York lilt even after having been away for so long, and being with Leo again didn’t help matters either, as his accent was even more of a mixture.
    “You’re a good man, Rog. But you’re talking to a lady, and I would never say such vile things before or after my time spent living away,” she said, sticking her nose high up in the air with a cheeky smile.
    “Yeah, yeah. Come on, Lady Cassandra, the theater’s about to open and you said you wanted to be there to greet the guests,” he reminded her, standing and ushering her outside.
    The day really had flown by, but Cassie was glad for the busy time spent doing what she wanted to do with her life at long last. No one was telling her what to do, well, aside from the obvious with Roger, but he was doing it for her benefit. Despite their budding friendship, she was his employer, and knew all she had to do was say the word and he’d back down in a heartbeat.
    It was well after midnight when Cassie left the theater, and Roger insisted in driving her the mile or so to Leo’s casino. She’d had a few texts off him over the day, mostly confirming her suspicions that he was incredibly busy as well, but she knew that he too was thinking of her and their amazing few days spent entwined on her sofa, floor, bed, and bath. When she arrived, the busy casino was still alive and bustling with clients, and it took her a few minutes to locate the private elevator Leo had told her about. Roger stayed on the periphery, having promised to wait patiently until Cassie found her man before he would clock off for the night, and she was glad. The bustling lobby and loud chimes from the casino were off-putting, and it was good to have him close by. She stared at the keypad, wracking her brains to remember the code Leo had told her, when a voice stopped her.
    “Excuse me, Miss. But that lift is for staff only,”

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