Forever Red

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Book: Read Forever Red for Free Online
Authors: Carina Adams
didn’t look like someone that would listen to Slim Shady.
    “What about you?” he asked, buckling up and turning down his music before backing out of his space. “What are your plans?”
    “To get the hell out of here.”
    He nodded as if he understood completely.
    “To be honest, I don’t care where I go or what school I end up at, as long as it is far away and I never have to come back.”
    He stopped at the end of the road and looked at me for a few seconds before pulling out onto the main road. “Have you lived here all your life?”
    “Yeah.” I sighed, watching groups of my peers walk toward the local burger joint. “And I’ve hated it for as long as I can remember.” Neither one of us said anything for a few minutes, the silence comforting in a way. I stared at my hands, picking at my fingernails nervously. When I heard the turn signal start to click, I looked up. “Um, where are we going?”
    He smiled over at me sheepishly. “I have to go let my dog out. She’s been stuck inside all day. But then I’m yours and we can go wherever you want.”
    I couldn’t say more than a simple, “oh, cool.” When he made another right turn, I started to get a little nervous. He was heading into the historic district, the place with giant homes and residents that had more money than God. I loved walking through this section of town, pretending that I was lucky enough to own one of the homes, and making up stories about the original inhabitants. I wondered briefly if he lived on the other side of the mountain and was just cutting through because his truck didn’t really scream “rich kid” to me.
    The blinker came on again as Neil slowed down, and then we pulled in to a long driveway. I’d only seen the house from the road, but it was even more beautiful up close. Not the largest house in the area, certainly not the smallest, either; the white Victorian Gingerbread oozed history and class.
    Parking in the middle of the circle driveway, Neil offered me a small smile. “I’ll only be a sec, I promise. Wanna come in and meet Linc?”
    He nodded, opening his door and stepping out. “Come on in.”
    Letting curiosity get the best of me, I slid out and followed him up on to the wraparound farmer’s porch, stepping back when I heard the angry bark from the other side of the door.
    Neil laughed. “Don’t be afraid. She’s just a puppy.”
    Then, that puppy jumped up onto the door, showing me paws bigger than my hands and teeth that were razor sharp and bared in a snarl. “Uh…” I took a few steps back. Puppy my ass. “I’ll just wait out here.”
    Neil shook his head, smiling. “Not a chance in hell.” Turning back to the door, he tapped the window twice, voice low and commanding as he ordered, “Abraham Lincoln, sit!” The paws disappeared and a whine came from inside. “Now, go lay down!”
    He opened the door seconds later and there was no dog in sight. I was impressed. “Wow. She listens really well.”
    Neil shrugged. “Most of the time.” Grabbing a red leash off a hook next to the door, he whistled and I heard her coming before I saw her. Up close, she didn’t look as scary as she had a minute ago. She was actually adorable.
    I sunk down on my knees next to him and offered her my hand. “Aren’t you just beautiful, sweet girl?” I rubbed her ears. “What kind of dog is she?”
    He smiled, giving her another pat. “A Heinz 57,” he said and I had no idea what that was. Thankfully, he explained in a goofy, baby voice, “She’s just a big old mutt, aren’t ya, Linc? Who’s a good puppy? Who’s a good girl?” He laughed as she leaped up and kissed him on the mouth. “Get down, you mangy mutt.” Standing, he offered me a hand up. “We’ll be right back. Make yourself at home.”
    The house was quiet; only the tick of a clock somewhere in another room kept it from being too quiet. The kitchen was homey, so much more than mine was. There was an island with a stove and

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