Freedom's Challenge

Read Freedom's Challenge for Free Online

Book: Read Freedom's Challenge for Free Online
Authors: Anne McCaffrey
from his afternoon nap, disturbed their communion.
    â€œSo, what have you been planning in that devious stimulated Catteni mind of yours?” Kris asked.
    â€œI think we have to go to Earth,” he said so casually that she nearly dropped her son.
    â€œJust like that? Go to Earth? How? Why? Can you? Will they agree?”
    â€œIt is safer right now than it will be…” he began, taking Zane from her to dandle on his knee, which had the boy chortling with delight, while she tasted the stew.
    â€œOh?” The stew needed a pinch more salt, which she added.
    â€œYes, because it will take time for the Eosi to discover that the Victims did not get to the intended destination. They will also be thinking of a way to break through the Bubble. They do not like such defenses.”
    â€œSo? What good would a trip to Earth do?”
    â€œNow I think there may be other Catteni, who have had enough Eosi,” and he grinned at her. “I am not the only one who thinks for himself. Who is smarter than the Eosi want us to be. I know of five who are like me. I need to know where they now are. I need to know if there are more now.”
    â€œFive? Against how many Eosi?”
    Zainal considered as he tickled Zane’s toes while the little boy giggled, withdrawing his feet and then presenting them again.
    â€œI think there are no more than one hundred.”
    â€œBecause that’s all the Catteni they upgraded? Don’t they reproduce or something?”
    Zainal shook his head. “Not that we know of.”
    â€œThe others of like mind I told you about. We have met, in small groups, from time to time, to exchange knowledge.”
    â€œYou mean, you’ve been plotting against the Eosi for a long time? What would have happened if you had to be subsumed?”
    â€œA risk all Emassi take,” he said with a shrug. “Yes, I do believe that we have been looking for some way to shake Eosian domination. Your people have shown a resistance no other species has. That’s good.”
    â€œAs far as it goes and look what happens to Humans who resist…” and Kris’ gesture included the planet. “How many worlds
the Eosi dominate? I mean, there’re the Deski, the Rugarians, the Turs, the Morphins, and the Ilginish…How many others?”
    â€œThe Eosi control fifteen star systems that have at least one intelligent race: another ten where they take metals and materials.”
    Kris laughed. “You honestly believe a rebellion has a chance against such a setup?”
    â€œIf we have the Farmers’ help…”
    â€œBoy, oh boy, oh boy, are you an optimist!”
    â€œIt is a start. It is more than we have ever had.”
    â€œWith two spaceships and a scout, we can go up against that sort of opposition?”
    â€œIt is a start.”
    â€œI’ve got to hand it to you, Zainal. God loves a trier,” Kris said, shaking her head at the impossible task he had proposed. And yet…“Have you mentioned any of this to any one else yet?”
    â€œI talked to Chuck. I will speak to others. We need to go to Earth as soon as possible. Earth needs to know that Botany is!”
    â€œLet’s eat first, shall we?” Kris said as brightly asshe could, trying to assimilate the magnitude of his vision.
    â€¢Â Â Â â€¢Â Â Â â€¢
    DOROTHY DWARDIE’S TEAM SPENT THE FIRST week assessing the condition of the mind-wiped and divided them into various arbitrary groupings, according to the perceived severity.
    As she said in her initial discussion with her aides, there were two levels of healing: one, the physical trauma of assault on the tissue and/or function of the brain, and two, the psychological trauma of assault on the psyche or self. She expected that some trauma would be time-limited.
    â€œThe mind has gone into functional frostbite,” she said, “and when it thaws after the trauma, returns

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