From This Moment On: Heartwarming Contemporary Romance (Windswept Bay Book 1)

Read From This Moment On: Heartwarming Contemporary Romance (Windswept Bay Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read From This Moment On: Heartwarming Contemporary Romance (Windswept Bay Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Debra Clopton
Tags: Windswept Bay Book 1
“My sister Olivia, she’s horribly afraid of heights. It’s a phobia and drives her crazy. Thankfully, I’m not like that. I just like control too much to trust—” She broke off, realizing, despite not planning to or wanting to, that she was revealing more about herself than she was comfortable with.
    She looked straight ahead, feeling Grant’s gaze on her as she headed through the tiny town with its touristy sidewalk wares, colorful buildings filled with fudge shops, ice cream, and coffee shops. Why had she talked so much? The man was here to paint and then he would leave. She was simply the woman who was overseeing his time here.
    “The town’s nice.”
    She glanced at him, relieved that he wasn’t asking her more questions about herself considering she’d left the door wide open for them. “Yes, it’s your typical tourist town. At least Main Street is. The regular business places and shops are farther down the street or on the side streets.”
    “So how busy does the island get?”
    “Not as busy as it could. That’s one reason we are renovating the resort. We can bring in more tourists if we can offer a more up-to-date boutique setting that caters to a wider demographic. Some Grant Ellington artistry will go a long way on moving us up on the destination meter.”
    They were out of the town now and headed along the coast. “This road winds around the entire island—all twenty miles of it. Though most people drive back the way they went. There is an area along the southern tip of the island that is passable but only for the adventure seekers. It’s fairly treacherous in areas. Believe it or not, we get some tourists here just for that stretch of land. We’re wanting to reach as wide a group as possible. To have something for everyone—and that begins with a special accommodations and experience at the resort.”
    “Cam told me the town struggled some. I’m not sure my murals are going to be the saving grace, though. That’s a lot of pressure.”
    She glanced at him. “In the words of Shar—gorgeous and humble. Hang on.” She cut off the main road and hit a dirt road that immediately began a climb up the dirt trail. “You know you and your name have clout.” She held the steering wheel with both hands as the road was rough.
    Grant had straightened in his seat and was clearly enjoying the ride. She could practically see his interest.
    “What I know is I paint pictures that engage people and seem to touch people. Whether it increases revenue, I can’t guarantee.”
    She took her foot off the accelerator. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”
    His forehead creased as concern filled his eyes. “Yeah, I am. So far, what I’ve seen of the island has been beautiful. And it’s an ideal place for a vacation away from the hustle and bustle. But don’t bank your renovation on me. On my work.”
    She now pressed the brake and stared at him. “Well, I’m not placing all my hopes and dreams for the place on you, but I am placing some of it. I didn’t just hire any ole painter.” She was serious, but half teasing him when she realized he looked truly troubled.
    She turned off the Jeep and unbuckled her seat belt. “Hey, relax. Don’t look so troubled. You said you wanted to be inspired and if that’s what you need to be totally on board, then follow me.” What was wrong with him? Cam had said he hadn’t painted since the crash. Was that part of why he’d seemed so agitated just now?
    Instead of getting out, he removed his shades and, squinting in the sun, he stared at her. “I’m serious, Cali. You and your sisters have obviously put a lot of thought into this renovation to the resort and your ‘why’ for doing it is a great one. Don’t get me wrong. I’m on board but—don’t bet the bank on me.”
    “You’re really blowing me away. Are you really not confident?”
    “I’m confident that I’ll give you something your guests will find pleasure looking at. But hoping it will be the

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