Getting Wet
If it hadn’t been for the tang of metal, she would have been completely at ease.
    There was a trap nearby.
    She used her sense of smell to bring her to the offending scent, and when she saw it covered in the grass, she found a nearby rock and triggered the deadly jaws. “Damn. Poachers just have no respect for regulations and laws.”
    “Augusta?” Randal was at her side in an instant. “What the hell?”
    She reached down and hauled on the chain, jerking the trap out of the ground and letting it dangle from her hand. “I hate traps.”
    “Son of a bitch. I was just here two weeks ago.” He growled and took the trap from her hand.
    “Is this a common issue?”
    “We have some locals who are insistent on their right to go trapping on private land. I have been unable to get the police to treat it with any seriousness.”
    Augusta smiled and narrowed her eyes. “Oh, I will get them to treat it seriously. I do so love frolicking in the land of bureaucracy.”
    He turned him to look at her. “You are serious.”
    “Of course I am. I have a nephew and a lot of shifters in my family who like their privacy. I can’t have traps nearby if we get visitors.” She shrugged.
    Randal put an arm around her shoulders. “You haven’t even looked at the house.”
    She laughed. “With this yard, I could live in a tent.”
    He turned her gently toward the house that now gleamed like a diamond in the setting of the forest. It was set on stilts and the upper two floors were carved wood and glass.
    “Oh wow. It looks like a fairy’s house.”
    He chuckled. “No, I have created one of those in the next county. More wood, surprisingly enough. The fae like their privacy.”
    “Did you do all this carving on your own?” The woodwork hypnotized her. She climbed the stairs to get a better look. Beavers were carved all over the place, but it was the new doorframe that had her focus.
    Otters scampered from the base of the frame up and over the doorway. They curled in balls, twisted in place and peeped over the edge of the doorway.
    “When did you know what I was?”
    “Within two weeks. I wasn’t able to sleep, so I started working on the doorway. Do you like it?”
    She threw her arms around him and squeezed him tight. It was like trying to milk a rock, but he seemed to enjoy it. His arm came around her, and he squeezed her with the hand not holding the trap.
    She mumbled against his chest. “Boy, are you lucky I said yes.”
    His body began to shake, and he chuckled against the top of her head. “I have been feeling my luck every moment since we met.”
    Augusta relaxed against him, inhaling the scent of his body. “Drop the trap.”
    It thudded to the ground, and he put his other arm around her. “You are quite bossy.”
    She chuckled and then squeaked as he lifted her to face him. “I am, but no one notices. They just do what I tell them and no one needs to get hurt.”
    She looped her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist. He carried her over the threshold with her hanging onto him.
    Inside, she could smell wood, leather and Randal. He carried her up to the second level, and she didn’t see anything but him.
    She rubbed her cheek along his, making the tiny, pleased noises that her otter was murmuring in her head.
    He made a short chuckling noise, and it sent a shiver through her. He moved his hands and pulled her skirt up to ruck about her waist.
    Augusta blinked when he slipped his hands inside her panties and cupped her butt.
    He let out a low groan, and she pressed her nails into his shoulders.
    She kissed him and nipped his lip. “I think we are at a stalemate here.”
    Randal smiled. “I believe we have room to move. Can I lead?”
    Augusta’s stomach flipped at the gleam in his eyes. “Sure.”
    Her panties tore as his hands shifted from human to webbed and clawed. The fabric flicked away, and he continued the march of her dress up and over her head, leaving her wearing her bra and nothing

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