Girls Love Travis Walker

Read Girls Love Travis Walker for Free Online

Book: Read Girls Love Travis Walker for Free Online
Authors: Anne Pfeffer
Tags: General Fiction
legs and fumbling over the buckles. Because I started late, I didn’t get much practice in before it was time to try the Sixty Second Drill as a group.
    I shook out my arms and legs, which tingled with anticipation.
    “Raise your hand when you’re done. Ready, go!”
    I had paid pretty close attention before, and now worked as fast as I could, focusing on the task and shutting out any sound around me. The second glove on, I shot my hand up in the air, then looked around.
    I must have forgotten to do part of it, because everyone around me was still working. I heard the timekeeper call “Sixty seconds” as the guy beside me still struggled with the belt for his air tank.
    The boots felt comfortable and sturdy on my feet, like they would take me anywhere. I took a few careful steps in the gear, which they had said weighed fifty five pounds. Piece of cake. After all my workouts with a chain saw, I was a solid slab of muscle.
    “Seventy seconds!”
    I adjusted the tank on my back; wearing the protective suit was like being in a separate little world that even had its own air supply. Garret had said they were going to give us axes, which weighed another twelve pounds. I wished I had one right now. I could almost feel the weight of it in my hands, could imagine giving it an experimental swing.
    “Travis!” It was Perkins, gesturing to me to take off the gear. It took me a second to realize I needed to do things in reverse, starting with taking off the gloves. I peeled out of the equipment, thinking that was awesome!
    I was grinning like an idiot as the mask came off.
    “Beginner’s luck!” Brandon gave me a snarky look.
    “What?” I stared at him, confused.
    Perkins made an announcement. “Our fastest time was fifty-five seconds, by Travis Walker, who is here visiting the fire station today. Travis has beaten the station record of fifty-seven seconds for the fastest first Turn Out Drill ever performed by a member of the Discoverers.”
    “Too bad it doesn’t count!” The voice belonged to Garret, who was holding up the phone he’d been consulting. “ Rule 82.3 of the Santa Alicia Fire Department Procedural Guide….”
     “Put that thing away before you hurt yourself!” Perkins shot back. “I knew we shouldn’t have posted our procedures online,” he muttered. “Garret, however, is right. Since Travis is not  enrolled in the program, his time does not officially break the record.” He paused, then added with an evil grin. “Just unofficially.”
    I was sure my mouth was hanging open in shock.
    Perkins gave me an encouraging nod. “You should think about joining our program.” 
    While most of the Discoverers gave me a thumbs up or a “Way to go,” Brandon jabbered at Austin, ignoring me. I sneaked a peek at Garret. He looked like he wanted to drop-kick me into the next county.
    I had broken his record, which had stood for seven years.

     On Sunday morning, in search of aspirin for Mom, I slid into the front seat of the ancient Chevy sedan, turned the key in the ignition, and sent up a little prayer. The car hadn’t been serviced in over a year, and it was starting to show pain. To my relief, it rumbled and started.
    My cell rang. I debated whether to risk turning off the ignition again or to waste gas letting the engine run. I opted for the latter. I would keep the conversation short. “Hello?”
    “Travis?” It was a girl whose voice I couldn’t place. I tried to remember who else might be mad at me.
    “Yeah?” I said cautiously.
    “It’s Zoey, from the Community Center.” She sounded resigned. “Kat wrote an answer to your note. Then she asked me to call you to come get it.”
    “Oh. Great! Can I come by tomorrow?”
    “That’s fine.”
    A text was coming in. “Thanks.”  
    It was DJ . Folks gone. Wanna hang out?
    Sure.   Cold beer and videogames—I was on it. I never came over when DJ’s parents were there. Clueless about the true nature of their

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