Going Gone, Book 2 of the Irish End Games

Read Going Gone, Book 2 of the Irish End Games for Free Online

Book: Read Going Gone, Book 2 of the Irish End Games for Free Online
Authors: Susan Kiernan-Lewis
simple? Ransom? “How do they know where to go to find our families?”
    Angie shrugged. “I’m just telling what I heard ‘em say.”
    Sarah nodded and then reached up and tapped firmly on the wooden bench over her head to get her captors’ attention. She felt the cart slow and then stop. The tarp over the top of the cart, which had given them the impression of a snug little cave, was wrenched off, exposing them all to the wind and the rain. Sarah guessed it was late afternoon by the light, although she wasn’t sure she hadn’t been unconscious for part of the trip.
    Involuntarily, she took in a hungry gasp of air, as if she’d only been breathing with a half a lung under the tarp. The face that glared at her from over the cart’s side was the young redheaded man who had helped drag David to the fence. He hadn’t pulled the trigger, but he had helped kill him.
    His eyes looked at Angie, questioning, and his face seemed to soften.
    â€œOy,” Angie said, her voice softer and pleading. “We need to use the facilities.”
    The man looked away and the leader joined him at the side of the cart. “Jesus!” he said. “Smells like you already did. What pigs! Come on, Aidan, get ‘em out. Blimey, what else would you expect from the Irish?”
    â€œJeff!” the driver called. “Take over here and let me do that, eh? You’ve had all the fun today.”
    The young man called Aidan pulled the gate down in back and Sarah and Angie scooted toward the opening. They were stopped in the middle of the road, but Sarah hadn’t seen another traveler. Angie scrambled out first and Sarah watched the two men’s faces as she did. They must have been bored, she thought. They were enjoying the distraction. She looked into the face of the man called Jeff—the one who’d murdered David—and she carved his features into her brain.
    One day. Some day. If not me, it’ll be someone like me. I’ll see you punished.
    Before Angie was all the way out of the cart, Jeff reached forward and grabbed her breasts, pulling her all the way out. She squealed in pain as he wrenched her out of the cart and dropped her to the ground while the other men laughed.
    Sarah’s heart pounded as the third man came around the side of the cart. He was homely, his face pocked with old acne scars. It’s true, she thought with her fear rising inside her. People born ugly will act ugly. She jumped down from the cart and went to stand next to Angie, who was glowering at Jeff as he climbed back into the driver’s seat of the cart and picked up the reins. Sarah looked around and then held up her hands.
    â€œCan you untie us?” she said. “I can’t get my…my…” It occurred to her that she didn’t want to be anywhere near these animals when she had her pants down, but short of soiling herself, she had to try.
    Aidan glanced at Angie again, then pulled out a knife and stuck it between the cords of Sarah’s wrists. Her hands sprang free as soon as they were cut and she quickly massaged them, but forced the automatic thank you that was on her lips back into her throat.
    â€œTry anything and I’ll tie your hands to your feet for the rest of the trip,” he said, as he cut through Angie’s cords.
    Angie and Sarah edged away from the road and into the ravine, where they lowered their pants and relieved themselves. She could hear the other two women whimpering and she guessed they were having their bonds cut, too. Before she was quite finished, the ugly one came and peered over the ravine at them. He laughed and then turned away.
    Angie zipped up her jeans and rubbed the red marks on her wrists.
    â€œThey’re fucking animals,” she said, her face flushed with anger. “I’m not even Irish, nor you neither.”
    Before she could answer, Sarah heard a scream from the road. She fastened her jeans and bolted

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