Guardian Angel

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Book: Read Guardian Angel for Free Online
Authors: Adrian Howell
said. “Terry’s right. It’s too dangerous.”
    Only a proper hider could conceal psionic powers completely, but draining was a pretty good substitute, especially against long-range finders. We were camping in open country, and removing my ring when we weren’t even in motion wasn’t prudent to say the least.
    “Are you sure you’re okay?” Alia asked worriedly. She had caught me yawning more than once already.
    “I’m fine,” I insisted. “Besides, I think wearing this thing is making me better at balancing my power.”
    Alia said seriously, “Cindy once told me that the better you are at balancing your power, the longer you live.”
    “That’s probably true,” I said with a shrug.
    “Then you should get better at it, Addy.”
    I chuckled. “Do you honestly think we’re going to live to be old?”
    “Who knows?” said Alia, frowning. “But we might.”
    We sat silently for a while, huddled under our blankets, listening to the wind in the trees.
    I had promised the Historian that I would try. I had said nothing about succeeding. The Guardians had spent years working to assassinate the last Angel queen. They were the second largest worldwide network of psionics, and it was only by a series of lucky breaks that they succeeded. In comparison, we were just five people cut off from most of the psionic world. Though we rarely said it out loud, we all knew, Alia included, that this was essentially a suicide mission. Still, my sister had a point: to assume failure would make trying meaningless.
    I asked Alia, “When this is all over, and when we get Cindy back, where do you want us to live?”
    “I don’t know,” said Alia, staring out the window. “Somewhere where it’s quiet. Somewhere where people don’t fight. Somewhere without guns.”
    I grinned. “How about the moon?”
    “Anywhere is okay,” said Alia. Then she looked at me sadly. “But I hope it’s soon. I miss Cindy. I miss her so much.”
    “I know,” I said quietly. “I miss her too.”
    Alia shook her head. “Sometimes… sometimes I can’t remember her, Addy. I mean, I can remember what she’s like, and I can remember the things she said to me when everything was dark, but…” Alia stopped to brush away a tear. “I can’t see her. I just can’t see her in my mind.”
    “Don’t even try,” I told her. “Your mind isn’t important. Remember her here,” I said, lightly poking her in the chest. “That’s the only place it matters.”
    Alia wiped another tear. “Do you really think we’ll see her again?”
    In fact, we already knew exactly where Cynthia Gifford was. The Historian had told us that Cindy was now Lumina’s primary psionic hider. Being the world’s only psionic capable of covering an entire city in a single hiding field, Cindy was as valuable to the Angels as she had been to the Guardians, and she still lived in our old penthouse at the top of what used to be the New Haven One building. But we couldn’t just go in and take her back. Even if we could somehow beat the Angels’ security measures which included armed guards, bulletproof windows and an armored safe room in her penthouse, Cindy had already been converted, and her primary allegiance was to Randal Divine and the protection of Lumina. To forcibly remove her from the Angels could destroy her mind. The only way to safely break her conversion was to kill… the target.
    “You want to know something?” I whispered to my sister. “I can remember Cindy very, very easily. I can see her anytime I want.”
    I smiled. “I just look at you. And yes, Alia, I’m absolutely sure we’ll see her again.”
    Alia put her arms around my neck, and I rubbed her back until she stopped sobbing. It had been stupid of me to let Alia think that I doubted our chances. Sometimes, even false hope was better than none.
    I heard tapping on the door window and turned to see James peering in at us. “Hey, let me in,” he said.
    Alia let go of me, and I opened

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