Heart of Ice

Read Heart of Ice for Free Online

Book: Read Heart of Ice for Free Online
Authors: Gl Corbin
people still in the canteen. They hadn't had the chance to speak before the meeting began.
    “How do you think that went?” He appeared unscathed by the ordeal.
    “As well as you could have expected. There's a lot of anger.”
    “I could see that.”
    “Are you surprised? It's people's lives you are wrecking.”
    His expression took her by surprise. He looked – hurt.
    “Okay. I know the business was in trouble before you came along, but that doesn't really make any difference. These people are going to be out of work in a few weeks time. Nothing's changed. I don't really know why you came.”
    “To see you.”
    Sarah took a few seconds to process his reply.
    “What else could I do? The flowers didn't work.”
    “So this was all a charade?”
    “Not at all. I was happy to answer all of the questions, and pleased for an opportunity to explain why I have to close Milners.”
    “Would you have come anyway?”
    “If it hadn't been for you? Probably not.”
    “You're unbelievable.”
    “Why? Because I'm attracted to you?”
    “This is crazy. I have to go.”
    She turned away, and was about to make her way off the stage when he grabbed her by the arm.
    “Tell me you didn't feel anything the other day.”
    “I don't know what you mean.” She couldn't look him in the eye.
    “Look at me.” His tone was gentle.
    When she did, he bent forward and kissed her.
    “What will I say if someone sees me with you?” Sarah had been holding the menu for the last five minutes, but was too busy checking there was no one she knew in the restaurant to actually look at it.
    “You worry too much.” Andrew had a huge grin on his face. “I'm really not the bogeyman.”
    “Everyone in that meeting is a friend of mine. How do you think they would feel if they knew I was having another meal with public enemy number one?”
    “Another? So you mentioned our first date?”
    “That wasn't a date! This isn't a date.”
    “Are you sure?”
    Sarah was no longer sure of anything. She had been adamant she would have nothing to do with Andrew Cross. And yet, here she was with him in the most exclusive restaurant for thirty miles.
    “I agreed to have dinner with you – that's all. Don't read any more into it.”
    “I'll settle for that...” He hesitated. “...for now.”
    By the time they were on coffee, Sarah had let down her guard a little.
    “So who is Sarah Jackson?” He said.
    “I don't believe that for a moment. How did you end up working at Milners?”
    “It just kind of happened. It was meant to be a stop-gap.”
    “Until what?”
    “Until I found something better or...” She shook her head.
    “Or what?”
    “It doesn't matter.”
    “Please. I'm interested.”
    “I was with someone at the time. We had talked about having a family.”
    “It didn't work out?”
    “Not for me.”
    “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stir up bad memories.” He put his hand on hers. “Still, his loss is my gain. What are you doing this weekend?”
    “I don't know. Why?”
    “Come to my estate for the weekend.”
    “Estate?” She pulled a sour face.
    “Okay. Come to my place for the weekend. Is that better?”
    “I can't.”
    “Why not?”
    “I've already promised to babysit for a friend on Sunday night.”
    “Is that a lie?”
    “No. It was arranged ages ago. Jody's one of the women in my office. It's her mother's golden wedding anniversary.”
    “You could come over on Saturday morning and travel back on Sunday afternoon.”
    “What if they find out?”
    “The same people who wanted to tear you apart in the canteen.”
    “I won't tell them if you don't.”
    “Where is this...estate?”
    “In North Wales.”
    “Wales? How am I going to get to Wales?”
    “We aren't talking Australia. It's only a few hours away. I'll send a car for you obviously.”
    “So is that a yes?”
    “It's an ' I'll think about it '.


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