Heart of the Unknown Alpha

Read Heart of the Unknown Alpha for Free Online

Book: Read Heart of the Unknown Alpha for Free Online
Authors: Rae Scott
narrowed, a cold hardness filled him as his body seemed to tense up at the same time. The barista very pointedly looked at Stephen and spoke first. “I can very clearly see there is nothing here for you now,” turning her head she looked very deep into Aryana’s eyes again and said “but if you should ever need me, just call me and I will come.” With that she turned and walked away.
    Aryana blinked, stunned for a moment by what had just happened. “What was that all about? It was totally weird.” She asked as she watched the retreating barista’s back
    Still watching the barista, Stephen was slow to respond. “I am not sure. Some people are just odd.”
    Turning back to her he gifted her with a big smile meant to get their lighthearted atmosphere back but it was no us. Aryana could see that what had happened with the barista had affected their talk. Ending the meeting with a promise to email him the finished results of the project, they both left the café and as she walked away she heard the baristas voice again raising the hairs on the back of her neck. You are not alone little one, soon you will know everything.
    Aryana returned home and slumped onto her sofa in exhaustion. It had been a long day and all she wanted at that moment was a hot shower and her bed… OK the shower could be better served as a hot bath but still the bed sounded perfect. Forcing herself up off the sofa she climbed the stair to the master bathroom to climb into a nice hot bubble bath and then into her nice soft bed.
    Darian, felt like a fool. He should not have let Aryana out of his sight earlier. If he hadn’t gone for a shower and to change his clothing she wouldn’t have left and he wouldn’t have spent the past hours thinking about her and how in the hell he was going to get her back. Hell his damn wolf kept howling and whimpering in his head. He could feel the thing practically pacing and crying in desperation. Would you knock it off ALREADY! I am working on it! But it’s damn hard to concentrate with you crying and acting like a whiny spoiled pup!
    Darian sighed with relief when the damn wolf finally shut up. Now that his head wasn’t full of lonely desperate howls and whimpers he could actually think. He could still remember the scent of her. Lilacs, roses moonlight, fresh rain, grass and the hint of lavender.  He couldn’t forget how she had taken him home and cared for him even though he had been a complete stranger. For all she had known he could have been an escaped convict or murderer or rapist. Yet she had taken care of him when he was most vulnerable. The gash on his side was mostly healed, not much more than a bruise and a bunch of aches. Suddenly Darian knew what he had to do. 
    Fifteen minutes later he swiped his thumb across the screen of his cell phone cutting off the call and smiled smugly. Twisting to look out the now darkened windows had him wincing in pain, bringing his mind back to how he had ended up in Aryana’s care in the first place.
    Stephen was the son of the local alpha. Stephen hadn’t seemed to like him upon meeting him so Darian had avoided the man, keeping a low profile until it was time for him to return home. Not that he really wanted to return home if he was honest, but for some reason Stephen had been standoffish and cold to him upon his arrival and though Darian had done his best to keep under the radar things hadn’t really improved. Until two days ago, or so he had thought.
    He had gone to the local bar for a couple beers before the big full moon. He never drank on full moons, it was too dangerous. The high of the run after change was enough. But some members of the pack did indulge themselves. Stephen and his buddies had been in the bar. Darian had made sure to sit at the opposite end trying to avoid them. Stephen had approached him asking him to join him and a bunch of other males for the run. Being Stephen was who he was, Darian couldn’t say no without it causing problems so

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