Illegal Fantasies (Anthology ~ Behind Closed Doors)

Read Illegal Fantasies (Anthology ~ Behind Closed Doors) for Free Online

Book: Read Illegal Fantasies (Anthology ~ Behind Closed Doors) for Free Online
Authors: Morgan Kelley
out her husband.
    Yeah, let them try. She may look little but truth be told , Emma would kick anyone’s ass if they made a pass at her man.
    After checking in, they found name tags, and other people who Emma had once called friends. There were hugs, laughter, and introductions all around. Everyone already knew her husband, because he was always all over the news.
    In fact, so was she.
    They were the ‘King and Queen of Vegas’, and a power couple. There wasn’t a day that went by where someone didn't want to know something new about their lives. From his suit, to her shoes, nothing was off limits. They’d even been asked when they were going to start a family. It was more proof that the newspapers and reporters were a bunch of rabid dogs.
    It still boggled their minds. They were just Emma and Greyson. They got dressed the same exact way everyone else did.
    Who would have known it would explode like this?
    Certainly not them.
    After finding a table, getting some wine, and mingling with the other alumni, Greyson Croft spotted one of the men from Emma’s past.
    Well, well, well, here came the jock from the pictures, and he was smiling a little too brightly for his own well-being. Yeah, this should be fun.
    “Emma?” he inquired, waiting for her to turn.
    When she did, she started laughing. “Trey Montgomery. How are you?”
    When he spun her in a circle and placed her back on her feet, Greyson didn't look amused.
    “I’m good! You look as gorgeous as ever,” he said, grinning. “I think you got even more stunning with age.”
    She slapped him. “You’re a nut.”
    Greyson cleared his throat.
    Emma grinned at her husband, recognizing the look on his face. Her Neanderthal was about to go all caveman on someone. “Trey Montgomery, this is my husband, Greyson Croft.”
    It took a second, but the name and face registered. “Seriously? The Fed?” he asked, offering a hand.
    He took it. “Yes, I’m the Fed.”
    “I saw you on the news. It must be exciting to be a cop,” he offered. “I’m just in the minors, but I do enjoy playing ball,” Trey said, winking at Emma. “Remember the fun we used to have, Emmy?”
    Croft wanted to pluck out his eyeballs at the use of that nickname.
    She laughed, hoping Greyson would stay calm. “Yeah, we had some interesting times.
    “You could say that! Do you remember that time we went to the library and snuck into the upper stacks to make out? Do you still kiss like that, Emma?”
    Before she could comment, her husband interjected. All it took was to hear her name and the phrase ‘make out’ in one sentence.
    “Excuse me? I don’t recall this story.”
    Trey laughed, but Emma didn't. She knew her husband and the telling look plastered across his face. Her husband was digging for information, and that wasn’t going to go well for Trey.
    There was about to be a caveman apocalypse.
    “Yeah, we used to have random places we’d hook up during the day, but Emma liked the library. It was very private, and we could get busy.”
    He stared at his wife , and she laughed. “By hook up, he means passing notes and a quick kiss. We were dating, not having some torrid sex romp.”
    Trey grinned. “I wish. Although, that one time in the library, you did…”
    She kicked him.
    It was for his own good.
    “Oh, I think I’d like to get a drink now. How about you, Emma, my sweet?” Greyson asked, leading her away from the gawking ball player.
    “Uh, sure,” she said. “What’s wrong?” Emma asked, taking his hand.
    “Nothing is wrong. I’m thirsty and want a tour. I’m curious to see where my wife went to school. Will you show me around?”
    Croft prayed his face was remaining blank on the outside. Deep down, he wanted to rage around like a lunatic. Just the fact the man said ‘get busy’ drew up horrible pictures in his mind. This was his kitten, and no hormonal jock needed to be picturing her naked.
    Once more, Emma didn't buy it but let it go. With Greyson, one never knew

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