In the Shadow of Swords

Read In the Shadow of Swords for Free Online

Book: Read In the Shadow of Swords for Free Online
Authors: Val Gunn
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy, Thrillers
but she will survive. The woman has talent.” Sarn smiled wickedly. “But perhaps you never experienced that.”
    Dassai visibly struggled to contain his emotions. Sarn pressed the attack.
    “So all this,” Sarn asked, waving his hand. “This is your
    revenge on her? Or me?”
    “I did it because I could, Ciris,” Dassai replied, lips curling in a twisted smile.
    “Even if it costs you dearly,” Sarn said, shaking his head. “That’s not like you, Fajeer.”
    “What’s hers is mine!” Dassai said. “You think you can come in here and help yourself to my possessions?”
    “I did it because I could.”
    Dassai paused. “Predictable,” he said contemptuously. “I am disappointed in you, Ciris.”
    “Did you honestly think you could just walk away? Surely you knew better. You cannot break this curse.”
    “I guess we will have to wait and see,” Sarn said, glowering at Dassai.
    “With all I have done, you should thank me for cleaning up after you.”
    “Give you thanks?”
    “A man such as you must have gone mad, hiding in this place for a year, cowering like a rat.”
    “Well,” Sarn said, drawing out the word slowly. “Your wife did make the time pass much more sweetly.”
    Dassai laughed. “Always quick with the tongue, just as you were as a child.
    “But I’m not the only one looking for you. You’re being hunted again. Had it not been I, others would have come to do the same.”
    “Perhaps. And the message to visit Barrani came from you?”
    Dassai smiled.
    “I thought as much,” Sarn said, nodding. “His fate was sealed long ago, and not by you.”
    “No matter. Your father is dead. Did you like my other gifts?”
    “The quality of your assassins is lacking,” Sarn said. “You should have spent more.”
    “Don’t mistake my actions,” Dassai said, waving off Sarn’s reply. “They accomplished what I wanted them to do: like dogs driving prey toward the hunters. It was all meant to lead you here.”
    “I would have come anyway.”
    “And if I had wanted you dead, you would be.”
    “Many others have said that, and yet I still stand.”
    “Don’t mistake me,” Dassai said. “You are skilled in your craft. You’ve been a useful tool.”
    “Fuck you,” Sarn said, stung.
    Dassai smiled. “Easy, my friend. You usually have more restraint. I’m afraid you may have forgotten that it was my instruction which has served you so well.”
    Yes, it has , Sarn thought. And soon my skills will be used against you . Sooner or later, he would get vengeance.
    Sarn spied Dassai’s minions creeping out of the lingering smoke, winding through the blackened debris, ready to intervene.
    But he was unconcerned. Dassai wanted him here for a reason, and Sarn did not think it was to cut him down. No, Dassai had something else in mind.
    “Your men need work,” he said, nodding toward the minions.
    “I see your confidence does not waver,” Dassai said.
    “I see no reason that it should.”
    Dassai’s servants stepped from the shadows. There were twelve in all, well-armed, with crossbows at the ready. Taking Dassai now would mean sacrificing himself.
    Is it worth it?
    No . That time would come.
    “You know I can have you killed,” Dassai said.
    “You said that before. Same answer—perhaps. But if that is your choice today, it will be the last one you ever make.”
    “But where you were once just a thorn in my side, you have given me the justification to dispose of you.”
    It was true. The crime of dishonoring a man’s name was grave. Jannat would soon pay the price, if she had not already. Those around her had as well, because they had been aware of the disgrace. The crime for adultery extended to all involved in the act. Sarn felt a rush of adrenaline.
    “If that is your desire, so be it,” he said. “Honor is hard; death comes easy.”
    “Calm yourself. I still have need of you,” Dassai said.
    “Do you?” Sarn said warily.
    “As I said before, I allow you to live

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