INEVITABLE: An Alpha Bad Boy Contemporary Romance Book

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Book: Read INEVITABLE: An Alpha Bad Boy Contemporary Romance Book for Free Online
Authors: Emilia Domino
    “Sure…but just know we’re on your side.” The girls giggled warmly at me.
    I forced a smile. They were sweet and my problems weren’t their fault. “Thank you,” I told them. “That means a lot.” I looked at Becky as they walked away and said, “I need a beer and a shot. Pronto.”
    Becky laughed. “I’m on it!” While she went to get our drinks, I looked around the big open dance floor in front of me. Everyone seemed to be part of a couple and everyone seemed to be having a great time. For some reason that just pissed me off all of a sudden. When Becky came back with a beer and shot of tequila for me, I downed the shot and drank half the beer in one swallow.
    “Hey girl, slow down. I don’t want to have to hold back your hair in an hour.”
    “Let’s go play pool,” I told her, determined to have fun dammit.
    On our way over to the pool tables Becky stopped to talk to someone she knew. As I stood at the bar and waited for her, I downed two more shots. When I glanced back to see where Becky was my gaze caught on sharp hazel eyes from across the bar. He was sitting at the end with another guy. I haven’t seen his brother in a really long time but I’m guessing it was him. They look a lot alike.
    Charlie was wearing a dark flannel rolled at the sleeves, jeans and boots. He looked like a cowgirl’s wet dream. Just the sight of him caused my heart to speed up. He smiled knowingly and raised his beer bottle to me.
    The bartender plopped another shot down and I picked it up and looked right at him while I downed it. I thought about going over to talk to him…but I didn’t trust myself, or maybe it was him. Matt had come off as sweet and caring too,  just the way Charlie seemed to be the other night. They’re all the same and I don’t need any more of that crap. I’ll just play with them like they do me…but not a guy like Charlie. He wasn’t the kind of guy I could play games with and not fall for. I looked at him again. He eyed me now, a delightfully evil smile playing at the corner of his lips… Aw man... He was looking a lot like my next bad decision and I just couldn’t go there.
    “Officer Bennett is looking like he’s thinking about cuffing you,” Becky said with a grin as she walked back up.
    I jumped and felt my face go hot as my center heated up. “Shut up. Come on, let’s go play pool now.” I dragged her over to where the pool tables were. They were all three taken, but the one at the end was surrounded by a bunch of college-age looking guys. “Hey, can my friend and I play with you?”
    One of the guys…a young biker type, looked up from what he was doing. He let his eyes go from my head to my toes, making me feel like I was stripped bare in the process. “Sure baby…you can play with me anytime you want.” I felt Becky’s arm tighten on mine.
    “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” she said quietly.
    The guy picked up a tray of Jell-O shots and held it out to me. I looked back over at Charlie. His gaze hadn’t wavered but his eyes were sharper as he watched the guys around me. I picked up two of the Jell-O shots and handed one to Becky. After I did mine, she was still holding hers. “Come on Beck, what are you doing?”
    “Jackie.... I have to drive us home…” I didn’t let her finish what she was going to say. I took the shot out of her hand and did that one too. I can’t fucking do this. I need to have some fun once in a while right? I grabbed the pool stick the big guy was holding onto and put on my cutest voice.
    “Is it my turn?”
    The boys made a path for me to the table and I went over and lined up to take my shot. As I bent over I heard one of them whistle through his teeth. I looked up and Charlie was still at the bar, but he was on his feet now, his body tense as he watched us. The alcohol had a hold of me and I wiggled my ass just a little bit before I took the shot. The cue ball didn’t go anywhere, but suddenly there was a big hand

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