
Read Invasion for Free Online

Book: Read Invasion for Free Online
Authors: B.N. Crandell
Trent soberly. “But I understand why they have to do it and our fathers would too. While the Gate is open it poses a risk to us all.”
    “You’re right, I know. We’ve seen the other side of it and even our fathers would be hard pressed escaping and finding their way back home. It still doesn’t make it any easier.” Vik walked into the kitchen, pulled out two cups and filled them with water before bringing them back and placing one on the table for Trent.
    “Thanks.” Trent poured the liquid down his throat in one gulp.
    Master Pilk was exhausted. He was the last wizard left at the Gate — the others had all gone off to get rest, including Great Shaman O’tukka. He saw real progress. Between the magic-draining spells of the wizards and the tireless, circuitous marching of the one hundred soldiers, the Gate’s hue looked to be a medium blue instead of the original deep purple.
    They still had a long way to go and with the wizards all depleted the process would slow considerably. It’d be a good few hours before they had sufficient rest to continue. After throwing off another spell, a wave of dizziness came over him and if not for leaning up against a building he would have toppled over. That’d have to be his last spell.
    Just as he headed off to get some rest a soldier came from the Gate and started yelling that orcs were coming. Master Pilk hurried over to the soldier who spoke to Major Hillsworth. The Major had been left in charge as Duke Angus, King Buster and General Ludko had all gone to get some much needed rest.
    “How many are they?” he heard Major Hillsworth ask the soldier as he drew near.
    “P’haps a thousand or more,” replied the soldier. “It’s hard ta tell. I came back as soon as I seen ‘em.”
    Major Hillsworth cupped his chin, “If it’s a thousand we could defeat them. Go back and get a more accurate count.”
    The soldier nodded and hurried off.
    “Perhaps we should wake Great Shaman O’tukka, Major. He may shed more light on this army,” suggested Master Pilk.
    “If it’s only a thousand we have a real chance to thin their numbers before more arrive, Master Pilk. Not to mention that by sending our army through it’ll continue to weaken the Gate,” replied Major Hillsworth firmly.
    “I understand, Major. But it may be wise to determine which tribe of orcs we face here and how many magic users they have amongst them. Remember, we have no magic. Our wizards are all out.”
    The Major cupped his chin. “Very well. Rouse the Great Shaman.”
    Master Pilk scurried off at once. He found Great Shaman O’tukka in short order and shook him awake, instantly regretting it as the orc pulled him in close, snarled at him and pushed him away ferociously.
    “I’m sorry to disturb your slumber,” stammered Master Pilk, “but an army of orcs approaches.”
    “From what tribe?” asked Great Shaman O’tukka gruffly.
    “I was hoping you’d tell us that. Major Hillsworth wants to attack them, but I’d like to know a little more about them first.”
    Great Shaman O’tukka nodded and rose, still looking none too pleased with the disturbance. Master Pilk walked with him to the Gate and watched him disappear as he entered.
    Major Hillsworth had a large number of soldiers at the ready. Master Pilk stood beside him and waited. A good few minutes passed and Master Pilk’s concern increased but finally he emerged.
    “They are from the Ta’zu. There’s at least ten necromancers among them. I’d recommend that you don’t attack.” O’tukka walked off.
    “Wait!” shouted Major Hillsworth.
    Great Shaman O’tukka stopped and turned around, still wearing a grumpy expression on his face.
    “Care to elaborate? We outnumber them easily.”
    “But you have no magic. They have very powerful magic. Leave them be, but keep an eye on them if you can. They won’t attack for the same reason that you should not attack them. If more show up soon then we should be ready to abandon

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