Jar of Hearts (Glow sequel)

Read Jar of Hearts (Glow sequel) for Free Online

Book: Read Jar of Hearts (Glow sequel) for Free Online
Authors: Molly Bryant
muscles, and a knock out smile was running through my mind a million miles an hour. The sound of his deep voice saying my name over and over again making me wonder if I go on ahead and touch myself that these bothering thoughts would leave my brain and let me go on with my date.
    “You okay?” Marc grabbed my hand and squeezed it to get my attention.
    “Of course,” I smiled. “Why do you ask that?”
    “You haven't said more than three sentences in the last hour and a half, and you have been nursing the wine like it's water in a desert,” he leaned forward trying to make eye contact with me.
    I finished off what was in my glass and set it down onto the table, my lips were pursed. Yeah, he noticed. Damn it... “I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind is all.” I waved my hand dismissing my behavior. “Monday is going to be a big day at work, and I am worried that I am a little behind,” I shrugged. Such a bad liar...
    “It's okay, we can go out another time if it makes it easier on you, gorgeous,” Marc leaned in, placing a chaste kiss on my temple. Damn, Ethan! Why is he ruining this perfect date with this perfect guy and his perfect dark hair, with perfect plump lips, and a perfect smile! I am sure there is more to this man that is perfect, damn... or not. Ethan is perfect.
    “I am really sorry, forgive me?” I batted my lashes, squeezing his hand tighter.
    “Of course,” he smiled, flashing those sexy dimples. “Come on. I'll take you home,”
    “Actually, I want some more wine. I'll take a cab home, no biggy,” I winked.
    “Okay,” he bent down, placing a soft kiss on my lips. He definitely would have been a guaranteed lay. “Be safe, sweetheart,”
    “Bye,” I squeezed his hand then let go, focusing my stare on my wine glass. It was too empty for my liking at the moment. I reached over and drank the rest of the wine in Marc's glass, then filled my own to the brim.
    “Cheers,” I said to myself, taking a drink watching Marc walk out the door in his black Marc Jacobs suit and tie with much swagger wondering how sexy Ethan would look in it. I growled, highly annoyed with myself at the thought of myself needing to compare Ethan to Marc. I mean, Marc is sexy, smart, sexy, sweet, and did I mention sexy? It was completely irrelevant.
    An hour and an entire bottle of wine later, I was liquored feeling pretty damn good, and all thoughts of Ethan and feeling sorry for myself were gone. Unfortunately, until I got home and had to look at him again, that is.
    “Miss, we need this table for the next reservation,” Mr. Uptight Asshole himself glanced down at my empty wine glass and the empty bottle then back at me.
    “What? Haven't you ever seen a woman feel sorry for herself?” I glared at him. 
    “Let us call you a cab,” he bowed as I stood up.
    “I got this,” I grabbed my purse, it slipped from my fingers and hit the floor. The waiter tried to help me pick up the contents in which I became more frustrated. “I got it!” he backed away, showing me his palms. It was a gesture to tell me to take it easy. I threw everything into my purse and headed out the door, searching for my cell phone.
    I strolled slowly down the street looking at my phone. I had a text message from... Ben?
    Ben: Pencil Dick, LOL!
    “You asshole!” I yelled at my phone. The couple walking by me jumped at my words.
    “Sorry,” I turned around and said as they jogged across the street.
    Me: I need a ride, will you ask Vanessa if she will pick me up?
    I walked another block and got a text back. I was shocked at the simple text as I was expecting some smart ass comment from Ben.
    Ben: Everything okay? Where are you?
    I was sure that was Vanessa, I smiled at her concern.
    Me: Been drinking and need a ride home. Marc left and I stayed to have a bottle, ha! I will be out front of Guardo's.
    I turned around walking back to the

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