Just A Kiss: (The Frog Prince) (Tangled Tales Series Book 2)

Read Just A Kiss: (The Frog Prince) (Tangled Tales Series Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Just A Kiss: (The Frog Prince) (Tangled Tales Series Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Elizabeth Rose
“Carine, you know Gar is going to be in my room somewhere yet you always seem scared or surprised when you find him.”
    “I’m sorry, my lady, honest I am. I don’t mean to scream but I don’t take a fancy to slimy frogs.”
    “He’s not slimy. Not really.” She walked over and scooped the frog up that was already climbing out of the water basin. She held it up for the girl to see. Carine made a face and backed away.
    “Please my lady, can I help you with your dress and hair? The competition is starting soon.”
    “Oh, all right.” She put the frog back down in the water.
    Carine just stared at it and shook her head. “I don’t suppose you’ll be washing up then before you dress?”
    “No need. I’m fine and I don’t want to bother Gar. He enjoys his baths more than I do mine.”
    She removed her black leather and lace, and just stared at the gown that the handmaid had laid out on the bed. It was an ugly pale shade of yellow, and Freya wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something like that. She liked her clothes dark or vibrant, and had a whole wardrobe full of things she adored. This was not one of them.
    “That’s ugly and I’ll not wear it.”
    “But my lady, your father said this is what you were to wear. He wants you to look like a lady.”
    “I am a lady no matter if I wear yellow or black so I don’t see the difference. Now go to my wardrobe and bring out the dark brown chemise and the forest green kirtle made of velvet. I’ll wear that today.”
    “That?” The girl’s eyebrows raised. “That looks more like the clothes of one of the servants. It’s plain and drab and reminds me of the swamps.”
    “Exactly why I like it so much, now do as I say. And while you’re at it, bring out my black gown with the black lace sleeves too.”
    “Whatever you say, my lady.”
    The handmaiden was a young girl, a few years younger than Freya. She was petite and plain looking, but Freya could see an inner beauty within her. With a little enhancing of the features on her face and the right clothes, this girl could look stunning.
    “You really should paint your face, Carine. I’ll do it for you if you’d like.” Freya walked over to the window and threw open the shutter, looking down into the courtyard. Many knights rode their horses over the drawbridge and through the gates of Castle Fane, but none of them were of any interest to her.
    “Oh, my lady. I am only a servant and your father would have my head if I let you do that.”
    “Someday I’ll get you to change your mind.”
    “What are you looking at, my lady?” Carine walked out of the wardrobe – the extra room attached to the bedchamber that housed Freya’s clothes. She held the clothes in her hands that she’d been instructed to retrieve.
    “I’m looking at the knights and none of them are right for me.”
    “How can you say that if you don’t even know them?” Carine laid the gowns on the bed and walked over to the window and peered over Freya’s shoulder.
    Freya looked at one knight after the other as they entered the courtyard, and her stomach soured thinking she could very well be marrying one of them soon. “Nay . . . nay . . . extra nay,” she said, her eyes moving from one knight to the next as she ticked them off on her fingers.
    “Let me help you dress, my lady.”
    “Oh, all right.” Freya started to turn, but something caught her eye. The next knight who rode over the drawbridge had long, flowing black hair that lifted in the breeze. His face was sculpted and his body looked strong and sturdy. He donned a dark tunic with the silver and white crest of a rampant wolf upon it. Jeweled rings on his fingers glittered in the sun. She stopped and squinted her eyes, trying to see him better.
    “Did you find one you like?” The handmaiden walked over and looked out the window and giggled. “Oh, that one with the long hair is nay for certain. No lady would want to marry a man who looks like the devil.”
    “I think . . .

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