Kaleidoscope Summer (Samantha's Story)

Read Kaleidoscope Summer (Samantha's Story) for Free Online

Book: Read Kaleidoscope Summer (Samantha's Story) for Free Online
Authors: Rita Garcia
imitating her precise stitche s .
    “What’s so amusing ?” Thelma’s lips curved into a perceptive smile.
    “ I want to learn .”
    “Do you s ew? ”
    “ No. But it looks intriguing—an art form. ” I refrained from saying my mother would have frowned upon learning to use a needle and thread . S he came from money , but my father was a successor of old wealth . I n their world , a se nse of entitlement correlate d with money. Times had changed. N ot many we althy women took pride in acquiring excellent needlework skills.
    “ Give it a try. I’ m available if you need help . By the way, how are you feel ing?”
    “ Good. ” A line had formed behind me , keeping our conversation short I moved to make way for the other women . I found Maggie admiring more of Thelma’s piecework designs .
    “You ready to raid the refreshment table?” Maggi e gestured toward an assortment of homemade cookies .
    We made our way to the back of the room. I hadn’t counted on r unning into one particular lady —the one with eyes oddly empty of expression . “Lilyan’s here.” Chills crept up my spine. Why?
    Maggie quickly turned toward me . “When did you meet Lilyan ? I have a feeling this is so not good.”
    “ S he dropped by the bookshop several days ago . Wanted to inform me t hat she and Logan are a couple .”
    “ Not true. Sh e and my brother are not together and never have been. This isn’t the first time she’s fabricated these stories .”
    I felt her eyes on me . I turned. Lilyan gave me one final look and left through the side door. “B e right back.” I hurried out the same exit . “ Lilyan , do you have a minute ?” With a few short stride s , I closed th e gap between us. Goldie moved closer to me.
    “I ’ve already tried talking to you. But you’ re determined. I know what’s going on. ” She shook her finger in my face .
    I clutched the packet of quilting instructions against my chest. “What do you think I’m doing?”
    “You’re all chummy with Maggie so you can steal Logan .” Her br own eyes bore into me with enmity .
    “I told you , I’m here to settle Anne ’ s estate. ” Despite the urge to be rude , I tried to calm my tone , but not being able to hear my voice , I wasn’t sure I had succeeded . “ Logan claims the two of you have never dated . ”
    “ I know all about Anne — y ou’re exactly like her . T hese are my friends and y ou need to back off . ” Her flushed face , along with her defiant stance , exuded anger.
    I felt a hand on my shoulder and out of habit I turned . Maggie stood next to me. I pivoted back around as Lilyan sprinted away.
    “ Bizarre. ” Maggie scanned the sidewalk until Lilyan turned the corner . “ Ready? I need to get back to the shop . Linda leaves soon . ”
    We followed the walk wa y leading to the parking lot, not making it very far before t wo people approach ed us from the opposite direction.
    Maggie waved as we met up with them . S he motioned toward me. “ I’d like you to meet Samantha Forrester . Samantha is Anne’s daughter . Sam , this is Pastor Jim Williamson , the shepherd here at Serenity Cove Community Churc h. ”
    Pastor Jim grasped my hand. “ Well hello, Samantha . We’d be honored if you’d join us for services while you ’ r e here.”
    “Th ank you, I look forward to it .”
    Maggie placed her fingertips on my arm. “T his is Dr. Ellie Clarimonde . Dr. Ellie is a counselor here at the church.”
    Dr. Ell ie clasped my hand , sandwiching it between hers . “I’m sorry f or your loss. If I can help, please let me know.”
    “I’m fine, but thank you.”
    “See you on Sunday. ” I’m sure Maggie had said more—I hadn’t caught it. Lilyan’s words t aunt ed me as I tried to shake off what had happened . We continued on our way and stepped down to the asphalt parki ng lot . W e stopped . Maggie’s car tilted to one side .
    “Two flat tires ? Really? I don’t believe this .” She grabbed her cell phone

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