Katy Kelly_Lucy Rose 01
get the table down and put it in the garage, which was really a stable for horses in the olden days. Then we all three put on Pop's old T-shirts and Madam put on jeans which she hardly ever wears, and we worked like crazy to make that table good again.
    I helped Pop rub the scrape on the top with sandpaper until it was flat and then Madam gave me big yellow rubber gloves and a fuzzy scratchy blob of stuff that is called steel wool and we rubbed all the old varnish away and when it was smooth we painted the whole table with new shellac which stinks like you wouldn't believe. After that I was so tired I had to lie on the chaise for a while and listen to Pop talk about when he was a boy and had a best friend with the name of Amos whose ownmother said he was nothing but trouble and that is one old-time story I like a lot.

December 16
    Today I made another e-mail for Madam and it said: “Dear Lucy Rose, What should a person do when they are missing another person?” I signed it “Just Curious” so she would not know it was me.
    And I got an e-mail back in about one second and it said: “Dear Curious, I picture them in my head and then I think of all the reasons I love them and then I call them on the phone and tell them.”
    So I did and when I was done my dad told me all the reasons he loves me, too.
    Pretty smart, that Madam.

December 18
    This afternoon after school, Madam picked me up and we drove out to the G Street Remnant store and I got to pick out the fabric to cover the chair seats. Even though I really wanted shiny red, Iwent with my mother's favorite color which is periwinkle blue. I found some with white dots that cost $6 for a yard which Madam said was a deal. When we got home we took off the old cloth which had mean-looking parrots on it and was so gross I didn't even want to touch it. Then Pop stapled the new dotty fabric on and it looks so beautiful that he said, “I can't believe they are the same chairs.”
    I said, “If Mrs. Greeley saw them she would say the exact same thing.”
    It is still 7 days until Christmas and I am feeling crazy to tell my mom her present but I am not because telling presents is a little kid thing to do. I am keeping mum, which means quiet and is also a palindrome. But I am going to tell Jonique who is a good one for keeping secrets.

December 20
    Today was the last day of school because it's winter break and I brought Mr. Welsh a present of these kind of cheesy cookies that my mom and I made so he wouldn't have to have the sweet kind.Melonhead gave him a mug, which I know from my dad is one thing that teachers get way too many of. But I didn't say it. That is because I am getting mature, according to Pop.
    When I was leaving the classroom Mr. Welsh asked me, “Was December any better than November, Lucy Rose?”
    And I told him, “Yes, but I still miss Ann Arbor and my dad and my Michigan grandma and my old house. And my old school. And my friends. And my dog.”
    He said, “Of course.”
    Which I appreciated.
    And then he said, “Okay, Lucy Rose. For now, I guess I'll hang on to my hat.”
    Which, I have to say, I still have not laid my eyes on.

December 24
    Since it is Christmas Eve we went to Jonique's house which was decorated better than the Mazza Gallerie stores where we went to see Santa Claus. Mrs. McBee wrapped their front door like a giantpresent with green shiny paper and a big red bow and inside they had a Santa and a Mrs. Claus with brown faces like the McBees and they had angels going up their stairs and a tree with golden balls and silver ribbons and lights that bubble. Mrs. McBee was wearing a Santa hat and a sparkly snowflake sweater and I told her, “You are a beauty, Mrs. McBee!” And she made me the biggest smile.
    Then Mr. McBee made cocoa with baby marsh-mallows for everybody and poured it into mugs shaped like Santa heads with handles that are made of Santa's hat. Then Mr. McBee held his mug up in the air and said, “Merry Christmas to all!” and

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