Keep Me (Beggar's Choice #3)

Read Keep Me (Beggar's Choice #3) for Free Online

Book: Read Keep Me (Beggar's Choice #3) for Free Online
Authors: Lily Morton
and ballet
pumps, pairing them with a white shirt which I leave loose and over which I add
a shorter black jumper. I grab my black jacket and pink scarf and snatch up my
old backpack. It’s a khaki canvas bag that I’ve had since I did my GCSE’s but
I’ve never seen the point in replacing things just because they’re old.
Thinking about never throwing away old things I’d have actually made a good
partner for a sugar daddy if I was so inclined.
    I skip down the stairs following the scent of coffee like a
bloodhound and I hear the mumble of voices as I get closer. As normal I can’t
make out the details but the timbre of voices tell me that there’s two people,
and as I enter the room they both turn away from the breakfast bar which is
strewn with papers to face me. Bram smiles crookedly at me and I beam back at
him making him blink slightly. I turn to the other man and it’s my turn to
blink because he’s absolutely gorgeous – tall and leanly muscled with shaggy
blonde hair and warm brown eyes.
    Bram clears his throat pointedly and I become aware that I’m
still staring at the man. Looking enquiringly at Bram I’m amazed to see a scowl
on his pretty face, and I start when he lopes over to me and grabbing me familiarly
around the waist he pulls me to face him. For a second we stare at each other
and I try valiantly not to focus on his lip ring which he’s worrying at with
his tongue, but then I gasp in indignation as he takes my jacket, pulls it onto
me and then starts firmly buttoning it up.
    “What the fuck are you doing?” I gasp, grabbing hold of his
fingers only to stare open mouthed as he slaps my fingers away lightly.
    “No need to waste these on Matt, Alys,” he says, nodding his
head at my breasts and then gesturing to the other man who is now staring at
him curiously.
    “What the fuck?” I gape.
    “Yep, that’s Matt and you need to cover these up because
they’re wasted on him seeing as he’s more of a one for cock if you know what I
    I stare at him in disbelief as Matt chokes out a laugh. “It
would be hard to find someone who could possibly misinterpret that Bram,” I
finally settle for saying faintly.
    Matt sighs and rubs his eyes. “You suck at fucking intros
Bram. You totally suck.”
    Bram fastens the last button on my jacket under my neck and
then fastens the small press stud with a happy sigh. “Dude I’m awesome. You
both love me and you’re both heavily in denial about it.”
    “Mate the only thing that I’m in denial about is just how
much psychiatric care you need,” Matt mutters and then comes forward to shake
my hand as I quickly remove the jacket. “I’m Matt,” he smiles, showing
beautiful white teeth. “You’re Alys and I’ve heard a lot about you already from
Bram.” He’s obviously heard that I’m deaf because he’s facing me and talking
clearly but I can’t concentrate on that at the moment.
    “You’re so pretty,” I say in disbelief and Bram gives an
annoyed chuff.
    “You talk about my filter Alys. I think you might be lacking
one too. Matt is not a sexual object.” Matt looks like he might like to demur
but settles for giving Bram a very focused look which he ignores, instead
waggling a cup at me. “Coffee?”
    “Oh yes please.” I settle down gratefully on the bar stool
and look at the piles of papers and the massive diary with papers bulging out
of its sides. “Am I interrupting you both?”
    Matt smiles kindly and shoves them to one side. “Not at all.
We were just sorting out Bram’s schedule and dealing with the latest of his
diva demands.”
    “Mate I just asked for only blue smarties. How fucking diva
is that?” Bram says indignantly but Matt waves him off mouthing ‘diva’ at his
    I laugh and wave my hand at the mess. “Are you …?”
    “Yes,” he says. “I am Bram’s assistant for my sins.”
    “Oh dear, poor you,” I commiserate and he laughs, pushing
his wavy hair back off his forehead.
    “I know. Can

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