Knacayn: A Terraneu Novel (Book Seven)
Even with a wall of males
between him and the females, he stated, “Your DNA is part of the small blonde
haired female. Explain.”
    “She is my
mother.” Knacayn stiffened. This male could read their DNA just by scanning the
group. What was he?
    “The term
‘mother’ is in our database. Transmitting information.” The male turned to the
five behind him and at some communication from the leader, their armor slowly
dissolved away.
    “Kneus.” His
father turned to his brother. “What is going on?”
    His uncle
cleared his throat and stated, “I am not entirely sure. I think they may be
    “Robotic?” the
male in front of his father did a dramatic snort. “We are MAN.”
    “Men?” his
uncle asked.
    “MAN.” The male
repeated. “It stood for Memory Android Nodes—” At this statement his uncle
    “I think I
understand.” His face shone with excitement and he took a small step forward.
“Can you explain your programming?”
prohibits me from discussing programming status.” The male intoned.
    “Override protocols.”
His uncle insisted, “Voice authorization Kneus Aerony Sylvias.”
    The male cocked
his head and eyed his uncle. “Processing authorization request.” Looking at his
fellows behind him, he turned back, “Authorization approved. Accessing
    Before Knacayn
could blink, another form was standing in the front of the group. He had chills
before the holograph even started speaking. “I am Kynan Sylvias, if you are
seeing this you have accessed the programming protocol of the MAN unit. I have
some hope that it is you Kneus. If anyone could do it, I know it would be you.”
    Everyone in their
group was stunned speechless. This was his grandfather! He was tall and regal
looking. His black hair was swept off his face, his eyes were bright and
intelligent. The high cheekbones, patrician nose, square chin and full lips he
thought he got from his father, actually came from his grandfather.
    “After I sent
my living sons into space to avoid Elyon and Knuan, I sanctioned the creation
of the MAN units. They were to store all known history of Hedal, along with our
personal memories and likenesses. In the event my living sons did not flourish
on the planet we chose, or they were unable to reach Hedal on the port pad. Our
history would survive in some form. If it is my sons that have found the MAN, I
want to say how proud I am of you all. I could not have asked for more in sons
that I was blessed with in you.”
    Knacayn could
feel Kenzie clasping his hand more tightly. His grandfather's last wish was for
his line to continue. That was to be expected. It was the emotion behind his
sentiment that had his father, uncles and himself tearing up. If not for his
insane grandmother and equally mad uncle, his family line would have continued
on Earth.
    To what end?
The thought suddenly popped into his mind. What had become of the once great
kingdom his grandfather ruled over? According to his mother, there had been no
knowledge of its existence. At least sending his father and uncles into space,
he had saved them from that fate. His grandfather's genetic line was thriving
on Terraneu, he had succeeded.
    “If it is not
my sons hearing this message. I hope you find some helpful knowledge in the MAN
units. May you avoid the fate that is sure to have befallen my beloved Kingdom
of Hedal.”
    The holograph
ended and the MAN unit blinked a few times. “End of playback.”
      “What did my grandfather mean by “likenesses?”
he asked before the MAN unit spoke again.
    “I was created
in the image of my maker, a scientist of Hedal. Those behind me were created in
the image of the King’s sons. Over the years, we have been forced to make
repairs so the exact resemblance is not attainable.”
realized with another jolt the male spoke the truth. There was a hint of all of
his uncles features in the MAN units lined up behind the leader.
    “Do you still

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